Birthday gift; HumpDay101 Prompt #1 (fluff)

Mar 14, 2011 21:46

Title: Under My Kilt
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 690
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♣ Birthday gift for nimielle, who asked for one of the following: kilts, gloves, evening wear. I got them all, in one form or another!
hump_day101 Prompt #1 (fluff week) - into the wind.
Summary: Gryffindor demands beget Slytherin subterfuge.

Harry tugged at the collar of his tuxedo, uncaring if he was destroying all the effort Draco had put into tying his bow tie for him. He hated evening wear, and he disliked any public function that made it mandatory. Draco had laughed at Harry's complaints, telling him he was fortunate the occasion didn't call for top hat, tails and gloves.

Speaking of Draco, where was his boyfriend? They were going to be late.

Harry turned at the sound of Draco's tread descending the stairs. He froze with one finger jammed into his collar.

"Harry, you'll ruin your bow tie."

"Sod my bow tie!" thundered Harry. "What are you wearing?!"

Draco paused on the bottom step and smoothed his hands down the heavy material covering his thighs. "I'm wearing a kilt," he said.

"No, you're not."

Draco's eyebrows rose. "Harry, I assure you, this is a kilt."

"I don't care what you call it, you're not wearing it," Harry said through his teeth. "Go back upstairs and put on something less...revealing."

Draco's answering laugh was short and incredulous. "You're taking the piss, right? I'm not a woman, flashing my tits, Harry. A kilt is perfectly acceptable formal wear in Scotland, which is where the charity dinner is taking place."

"Your knees are bare!" Harry protested.

"You've never had a problem with my knees before," said Draco, stepping down and planting his hands on his hips.

Harry crossed his arms and glared. Their stalemate was broken when Harry thought to ask, "What are you wearing under that skirt?"

"It's a kilt," huffed Draco, "and I'm wearing it in the traditional style."

"Enlighten me on the traditional style," said Harry. He got an uneasy feeling when his boyfriend smirked at him.

"I'm not wearing anything under my kilt," grinned Draco.

Harry exploded. "Bloody hell!" he bellowed. "You can't go out in a skirt or a kilt or whatever it is with no pants on! The first stray breeze that comes up will have your bits blowing about in the wind!"

Draco gaped at him before laughing outright at Harry's outrage. "My bits are not going to blow about in the wind," he said. "We won't even be outside, you silly tit. I promise you, my bits are safely ensconced behind several layers of thick tartan." He crossed the room to the fireplace and halted in front of it. "Come on, Harry, we're late as it is."

"We're not going anywhere until you go back upstairs and change," growled Harry.

Draco's jaw firmed. "Then I daresay we aren't going anywhere," he challenged.

Harry began to panic when he realized Draco wasn't about to back down. After all, it wasn't Draco Malfoy's name that would be dragged through the mud for not putting in an appearance at Hermione's latest fund raising cause. "At least go up and put some pants on," pleaded Harry. Draco opened his mouth, no doubt to argue, and Harry hastened to placate his moody lover. "Please?" he asked. "For my peace of mind?"

Draco let Harry sweat a little longer before he relented with a put-upon sigh. "Oh, very well, you prude," he said.

As Draco ascended the stairs two at a time, Harry ducked his head and tried to peek beneath his boyfriend's kilt.


Harry took a sip of champagne and allowed his gaze to roam the ballroom. Hermione would be pleased with the turnout. He'd been surprised to see other blokes wearing kilts, which had earned him a sharp jab to the ribs from Draco's elbow when they had arrived.

Draco returned to Harry's side with a flute of champagne in hand. "Does it make you feel better to see other men here with kilts on?" he taunted.

"Yes, it does," Harry admitted. Then, determined not to be completely defeated in this, he asked, "Don't you feel better wearing something under your kilt?"

Draco shrugged. "It feels odd."

"Odd?!" laughed Harry. "You wear pants all the time. Why should it feel odd?"

Draco slanted him a sly glance. "Who said anything about pants?" he drawled. "I'm wearing a pair of silk knickers under my kilt."

content: humor, content: kilt fic, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, comm: hump_day101, content: established relationship

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