Pyjamas and pimpin'

Feb 08, 2011 00:05

Title: Who needs 'em?
Micro-drabble written for Pyjama Party! at insaners:

Harry was dying of boredom. He'd agreed to go on a shopping excursion with his boyfriend, and Draco had been dragging him from one store to another.

"Let's go home," Harry sighed.

Draco frowned as he smoothed his fingertips over the silken material of the garment he was inspecting. "Soon," he promised. "I need a new pair of pyjamas."

"Pyjamas?!" Harry repeated. "Why bother? You won't be wearing them for long."

Cross-posted to insaners

banner art by ile_o

You know you're fested-out when you see a banner for Smoochfest and think, 'What the hell did I write for Smoochfest this year?!', only to realize prompting hasn't even begun yet. *head desk*

fandom: banners, length: micro-drabble, comm: insaners

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