Targeted 11

Jan 30, 2011 20:19

Title: Targeted 11
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual situation
Word count: 835
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Harry begins to see a pattern, while Draco is disruptive.

Wand held out before him in a firm grip, Harry made his way quickly and quietly through the first floor of his house. He mentally prodded his wards and found them sound, indicating no one had come in or out. However, Harry was leaving nothing to chance; people in his profession didn't live long without a healthy dose of paranoia.

After assuring himself the ground floor was secure, Harry cautiously ascended the stairs. He paused outside of Malfoy's bedroom door. The sound of a low groan came to his ears. Was Malfoy injured? Ill? Otherwise in trouble? Rather than burst through the door, Harry cast a charm to allow him to see through the closed door. His wand wavered at what he saw.

Malfoy was sprawled, naked, across the bed. His legs were spread wide, leaving no question as to the reason for his moans. Both of Malfoy's hands were busy. One was tugging his cock with rough strokes, while the other plunged the vibrator in and out of his glossy hole.

Harry's body responded with a surge of lust. Aggravated at his lack of control where Malfoy was concerned, Harry ended the spell on the door and strode down the hall to his own bedroom. A cold shower was in order.


Draco relaxed back onto the bed with a sated sigh. Pleasuring himself to fantasies of Potter had done wonders to relax his mind and body. Draco withdrew his vibe almost reluctantly, and his muscles grasped after it as if loathe to let it go. He performed a perfunctory cleaning charm and then yawned. Reckoning he had time for a short nap before Potter returned, Draco allowed his heavy eyelids to droop.


Harry declined to wait dinner on his libidinous house guest. He ate a simple meal and instructed his House-elves to provide something for Malfoy later. Harry retreated to his study after dinner to pore over case files once more. He was tempted to contact Ron to find out if St Mungo's had admitted anyone suffering from the effects of the nasty curse Theodore Nott had used on his attacker. However, Harry decided it could wait until morning. He didn't want to make any Floo calls from this secure location.

Harry glanced over the list of those who had been killed and those who'd had attempts made on their lives:

Marcus Flint
Adrian Pucey
Lucian Bole
Graham Pritchard
Milicent Bulstrode
Malcolm Braddock
Flora Carrow
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott

The fact that he could put a face to all these names sobered Harry. It also caused him to do a double-take. "Interesting," he murmured. All of the targets were Slytherins who had been at Hogwarts during Harry's time there. Not all of them had been in his Year, but they were all of a similar age to him. There was obviously a connection; Harry just had to find it. He would mention his suspicions to Ron tomorrow, and perhaps they could engage Hermione's facile mind on the puzzle, as well.

Absorbed in his reading and ruminations, Harry had actually managed to forget about Malfoy until there was a knock at his study door. "Come in," Harry commanded gruffly.

Malfoy poked his head in. "Any leads?" he asked.

Harry glanced up, scowled, and returned his eyes to the files in front of him. "Nothing solid, although Nott was targeted last night."

Malfoy blanched. "Is he dead?"

"No," Harry replied, "he managed to get the drop on his attacker, and he claims to have hit the man with a rather debilitating hex. We are hoping the would-be killer shows up at St Mungo's for treatment." Normally, Harry wouldn't divulge so much information, but Malfoy wasn't going anywhere nor speaking to anyone.

"Could the attempt on Theodore be linked back to Bainbridge?" Malfoy asked.

"That's one possibility," said Harry. Privately, he doubted it, but at this point none of them knew for certain. "Any other thoughts?" prompted Harry. "Do any enemies of Slytherin House come to mind?"

Malfoy snorted. "Other than you and your House, do you mean?"

Harry frowned, not just at the jibe, but as snippets of recent conversations rose to mind. Both Neville and Ron had seemed to indicate that the assassins' victims deserved what they had gotten. Both of them had reason to hate Death Eaters, reformed or not, and Ron at least had the connections required to hire hitmen. The thought made Harry uncomfortable, but he didn't dare dismiss it out of hand. In his business, friends could easily become foes.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Harry asked, as much to be polite as to change the subject.

"Not yet, I haven't."

"You must be hungry by now," said Harry, returning his attention to his desk in an obvious dismissal. It was difficult to concentrate when Malfoy was standing before him.

"I am hungry," agreed Malfoy, "but not for food."


Targeted 12

content: drama, verse: targeted, content: pre-slash, rating: r, content: wanking

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