Birthday!gift; HDSeasons; HDPotsNPorn; HDFluff

Jan 24, 2011 00:50

Title: To Be Savored
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 575
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Belated birthday gift for white_apple_ink, who asked for fluffy, non-femme Draco. Um, he turned out more snarky than fluffy. Sorry.
hd_seasons January prompts - getting warm by the fire and hot chocolate
hd_pots_n_porn Prompt #37 - hot drink
hd_fluff Prompt #66 - a hot cup of ____
Summary: Harry suffers for his cheek.

"Budge over, Harry. I'm freezing my bollocks off."

Harry scooted over on the sofa and lifted the quilt to allow his boyfriend to huddle under it with him. "We certainly can't have your bollocks freezing off," said Harry. "I'm rather fond of them."

"Berk," Draco snorted. He cuddled up closer to Harry and sighed as the warmth of the fire chased the chill from him.

Harry slung an arm around Draco and tucked him closer to his side. "I know what will warm you up," he murmured.

Harry's seductive voice sent a rush of heat through Draco's body. "Oh?" he asked archly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Hot chocolate," Harry announced, eyes sparkling with mirth.

Draco didn't miss a beat. "I'll take mine with one of those peppermint sticks, if you please."

Harry's cheeky grin faltered. "You really want hot chocolate?" he asked in dismay.

"You offered, did you not?"

Harry grumbled beneath his breath and flung the quilt back. He didn't tuck it around Draco as he stood up and stomped from the room.

Draco snickered and wrapped the quilt more firmly about himself, savoring Harry's lingering warmth. That would teach Harry to try to one-up a Slytherin.

Harry returned several minutes later, carrying two steaming mugs. One of them contained a peppermint stick. "Your hot chocolate, Your Highness," he snarked, handing Draco the mug with the peppermint stick in it.

"Thank you, Harry," Draco said, accepting the mug with a smile. He took a sip and hummed at the rich, delicious flavor. "You make the best hot chocolate," sighed Draco.

Harry sat next to him and scowled. "Aren't you going to let me cuddle under the quilt with you again?"

"Certainly not! You'll chill me all over again."

"Draco Malfoy!"

Draco chuckled. "Oh, very well, Harry," he said, lifting the edge of the quilt.

Harry burrowed under, taking care not to spill his hot chocolate. "Much better," he beamed.

They sipped in silence until Draco commented, "This is nice, Harry. I'm glad you suggested it."

"I was going to suggest we warm up by shagging," Harry snapped.

"I reckon that would have worked, too," shrugged Draco. He placed his hand on Harry's knee. "We can still shag, if you'd like."

"It's too late now," grumbled Harry. "I froze my bollocks off getting you your hot chocolate." His breath caught when questing fingers groped between his legs.

"They're still there, Harry."

"May-maybe we should test them, to be sure they still work," rasped Harry.

Draco's pulse quickened, but he was determined to punish his boyfriend by making Harry suffer. "That's an excellent suggestion," he said. "We can shag after I've finished my hot chocolate."

Harry made a strangled sound in his throat as Draco continued to absently massage him through his trousers. "Dr-drink faster," he pleaded, setting his own mug aside before he spilled it.

"Shame on you, Harry," scolded Draco. "Your hot chocolate is so splendid that it must be savored."

"I have something else you can savor," panted Harry.

"You are depraved."

"I'm randy and desperate!"

Draco took another sip of his hot chocolate to hide his smirk. "It won't kill you to wait," he said, giving Harry a squeeze.

"How much longer?" wheezed Harry, trying to rub himself into Draco's hand.

"I'm almost done," Draco told him.

Harry sighed in relief.

"Of course, I want to eat my peppermint stick, too," added Draco. "One slow lick at a time."

rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: foreplay, content: ust, gift: birthday, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, comm: hd_fluff, comm: hd_seasons

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