Private Pleasures

Jan 11, 2011 13:15

Title: Private Pleasures
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1400
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written as: A birthday gift for acidvantrip, who asked for more of the Club Coquette verse.
Summary: Draco and his mysterious lover take advantage of one of the club's private rooms.

Draco allowed the stranger to lead him back to the club, bemused at the trust he'd placed in the man. Rather than enter the club through the foyer Draco was familiar with, his lover led him to an inconspicuous entrance at the rear of the building. Draco hung back as his companion approached a sultry siren behind the counter of what looked like the lobby of a hotel.

"We'd like one of the private rooms, please."

The woman leaned forward, displaying an impressive amount of cleavage. "Wouldn't you rather-"

"A private room will suffice," said the man.

With a wink, the woman handed him a key. "Room Eight," she said. "Enjoy."

Draco's mysterious lover beckoned him over, and together they made their way to the lift. It whisked them up two floors before halting. The doors slid open soundlessly, and Draco followed the man down a short corridor and into one of the private rooms.

"Would you care for something to drink?" asked the stranger. At Draco's nod, he crossed the room to a small, well-stocked bar in the corner. He poured them each a snifter of brandy.

Draco took a sip, smiling in appreciation as the excellent brandy warmed him from the inside. His eyes traveled around the luxurious room, taking in the massive bed and the hot tub in the corner opposite the bar. He heard the faint, throbbing beat of music, and he wondered where they were in relation to the main part of the club. "I didn't know Club Coquette boasted such private rooms," Draco remarked.

"Membership has its privileges," grinned his companion. "By the way, the room is only as private as we want it to be," he said. He walked to the heavy draperies and opened them.

Below them was the dance floor of Club Coquette. Draco approached for a better look. Bodies twirled, gyrated, writhed and spun. Upon closer inspection, it became obvious that some of the patrons were actively engaged in sex on the dance floor. "Are they able to see us?" he asked.

"The windows in this room are one-way," said the stranger. "Other rooms, however, are not so private." He set his glass down and walked up behind Draco. Wrapping his arms around Draco from behind, he drew Draco back and pressed his erection against Draco's arse. "Would you like that, Cinderella?" he husked. "Do you want me to fuck you up against a window where anyone in the club can look up and watch?"

Draco shivered at the images his lover's words invoked.

"For now, however, I want you all to myself," said the stranger, sparing Draco the necessity of having to answer. He stepped away from Draco and drew the curtains shut, cocooning them in their own private haven. He then sat at the foot of the bed and said, "Remove your shirt and your skirt."

Draco's breath quickened. He unknotted the tails of his black silk shirt and allowed it to slide slowly off his shoulders. The action revealed Draco's red corset, and his mysterious lover licked his lips in reaction. A quick glance at the man's groin indicated he was as aroused as Draco was. Reaching back, Draco unzipped his short black skirt. With a shimmy of his hips, it dropped to the floor, and he stepped out of the garment. Draco was left wearing only his corset, black stockings, ankle boots and his feathered mask. He felt naked, exposed and desirable.

The stranger stood and began unbuttoning his own shirt. "Lose the boots and lie down," he rasped.

Draco toed off his boots and stretched out on the bed. His cock throbbed in expectation of seeing his lover's naked flesh for the first time.

The man's shirt was tossed aside, displaying a firmly muscled torso largely devoid of hair. Dark hair swirled around his navel and arrowed downward, and as the man's hand went to his zip, Draco held his breath. Deft fingers undid the black trousers and pushed them down narrow hips and powerful thighs. Draco's pulse fluttered. Oh yes, he knew the power in those thighs. His lover wasn't wearing pants, and his swollen cock jutted from its base of dark curls.

Naked now except for his mask, the stranger prowled closer. "It will be refreshing to fuck you on a bed," he rumbled.

Draco spread his legs in anticipation.

The man paused. "Look at you," he whispered.

Draco knew he must look utterly wanton, a perfect representation of decadence and desire in his revealing costume. While his face remained in disguise, his cock was bare and erect, betraying his level of excitement. Draco's arse was also naked, and his sexually submissive position on the bed exposed his hole, still damp from recent sex and quivering with his need to be filled once again.

The stranger selected a bottle of lubricant from a shelf and used its contents to slick his cock. Only then did he join Draco on the bed, crawling up the duvet to claim the space between Draco's thighs. A smile flashed beneath the edge of his mask. "Lie back and enjoy, Cinderella," he murmured, guiding his cock into place.

The man flexed his hips forward, and Draco groaned as his body stretched and opened and accepted the relentless intrusion. He shifted beneath his lover and planted his feet on the bed to lift himself into the next thrust. Draco moaned again. He had enjoyed their previous fucks, but this...this was brilliant. Between the soft bed at his back and the hard man at his front, Draco was in heaven. Even better was the thick, hot cock inside of him. It plunged in, deep and quick, and Draco gasped in pleasure. It withdrew slowly, and Draco whimpered in delight as his rim spasmed around the retreating length. The motion was repeated, over and over until Draco's eyes rolled back. His legs wrapped themselves around his lover's waist while his hands clutched at the man's back and held on for the ride.

Draco had never been so well-ridden in his life. His lover's hips pumped between Draco's thighs in a frenzy, working his hole and mastering Draco's writhing body with every thrust of his engorged cock. Draco accepted each stroke and demanded more. He raised his pelvis to take his lover deeper, and he twisted his hips to maximize the contact against his prostate. Each time the stranger's cock dragged over that sensitive nodule inside of him, a soft, panting cry escaped Draco's mouth.

The man switched his balance to one hand and grasped Draco's penis in the other. Draco's body tightened in response. His balls drew up, and his cock swelled further. The stranger thrust his hips and twisted his wrist, and Draco kicked and clawed and wailed as his orgasm crashed over him. His lover continued driving into him, prolonging Draco's pleasure with the hot, in-and-out slide of his cock.

Draco finally subsided with a soft moan. His entire body quivered with aftershocks, and his trembling legs slipped from around his lover's waist to splay open on the bed. The man maintained his frenzied pace, plundering the limp body that lay sprawled beneath him. Each time he jabbed Draco's prostate, Draco's rim spasmed again and weak moans fell from his lips. The stranger thrust in, high and hard, once more and Draco felt the wet pulses of his release filling his hole.

Afterward, Draco lay in his lover's arms, enjoying the ability to bask in the afterglow. He was damp with perspiration and sticky with come, inside and out, and Draco loved it.

"Will you stay?"

Draco sighed as the spell was broken. "I can't," he replied.

"Return to me tomorrow night." It was more than a request, less than an order.

Draco hesitated. His addiction to this man was almost frightening in its intensity.

"We'll take another room," husked the stranger, stroking Draco's naked hip. "One that isn't so private. I'll fuck you up against the glass, in full view of everyone in the club. Would you like that?"

Draco closed his eyes and sealed his fate. "Yes."

Public Passion

verse: club coquette, gift: birthday, content: cross dressing, content: partially clothed sex, rating: nc17

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