Acceptable Terms

Jan 09, 2011 17:30

Title: Acceptable Terms
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Corporal punishment, explicit sex
Word count: 1275
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers.
Written for: leo_draconis, in thanks for the "Crazy Hat Lady" icon she made me. This is part of my Headmaster!Harry verse.
Summary: A Slytherin has been caught cheating at Quidditch, and it's up to their Head of House to negotiate the punishment.

Harry didn't even glance up at the knock on his office door. "Come in," he called.

Professor Malfoy opened the door and strode inside. "You wished to see me, Headmaster?"

"Please have a seat, Professor Malfoy," Harry invited. His attention remained on the weekly report of points given to, and taken from, the four Houses. Harry let Malfoy sit and stew a few minutes longer before he sat back and looked at his guest. "I've been informed that Winifred Whittingham cheated in the Quidditch match versus Hufflepuff yesterday," said Harry. "That is a serious offense."

"You would know, Headmaster," drawled Malfoy.

Harry almost grinned at the other man's cheek. "I am afraid Miss Whittingham must be suspended for Slytherin's next two matches," he said. "As Head of Slytherin House, it is your duty to notify your student and to ensure the suspension is served."

"Two matches?!" Malfoy exclaimed, leaning forward aggressively. "The first match against Ravenclaw would be sufficient, but you don't want Whittingham to play against Gryffindor in the second match!"

"I don't play favorites, Professor Malfoy."

"No?" challenged Malfoy. "Your ruling certainly appears that you are favoring your old House."

"What would you suggest?" asked Harry, leaning back further in his chair and steepling his fingers over his midsection.

"One match."

Harry shook his head. "That isn't enough, Professor Malfoy, and you know it. Punishment must be served."

"Punish me, then," blurted Malfoy.

This time, Harry did grin. "Offering to take on your student's punishment, Professor Malfoy?" he prodded. "How very noble of you. Almost, dare I say it, Gryffindor-like."

"Please do not add insult to injury, Headmaster," Malfoy bit out. "Are my terms acceptable to you?"

"The punishment must be severe," mused Harry, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "I believe a spanking will suffice."

"Are you mad?!" bleated Malfoy.

"A one match suspension for Miss Whittingham, and a spanking for you, Malfoy," Harry said sternly. "Those are my terms. Do you accept them?"

Malfoy's stormy eyes were narrowed, his nostrils flared, and his lips thinned in an angry line. Finally, he conceded. "Very well, Headmaster," said Malfoy, pushing his chair back and rising to his feet. "I'll inform Whittingham of your decision in regards to her suspension."

"Not so fast, Professor Malfoy," said Harry, standing up as well. "There's still the matter of your punishment to be doled out."

"Shall I stop by your quarters later this evening?"

"I don't think so," Harry countered, stepping out from behind his desk and unbuckling his belt. "I believe it's best if we take care of that little detail right now. Drop your trousers and bend over my desk."

Malfoy couldn't have looked more gobsmacked had he discovered a flobberworm in his pumpkin juice.

"I'm waiting, Professor Malfoy."

Malfoy turned an alarming shade of red, and Harry half expected to see steam escaping from the professor's ears. With a muttered curse, Malfoy pivoted to face Harry's desk and undid his trousers, allowing them to drop to the floor and bunch around his ankles.

"Pants, too," Harry added cheerfully, pulling his belt free of its loops.

Green silk pants fell atop the black trousers.

"Bend over my desk and raise your robes," Harry instructed, idly slapping his belt into his open palm. Harry's cock was twitching in anticipation, and he all but held his breath as Malfoy bent over and lifted his robes, exposing his naked arse. Harry stepped up behind Malfoy and smoothed a hand over one pale cheek. "It seems a shame to mar such perfection," he sighed, "but, needs must."

With that, Harry took a step back, folded his belt in half, and swung it forward, cracking it across Malfoy's taut arse. Malfoy yelped, and Harry took another swing.

"Ow, Potter! That fucking hurts!"

"It's Headmaster Potter," snarled Harry, putting more force behind the next blow. He landed a few more in quick succession, until Malfoy's arse was cherry red. Harry paused to catch his breath and caress the abused flesh in front of him. Malfoy's skin was hot to the touch, and Harry's cock throbbed with renewed urgency. He wanted to shag Malfoy while Malfoy's arse was hot inside and out. Harry's hand slid around to grope Malfoy between the legs, pleased to find him fully erect. "Pervert," he chuckled.

"Sadist," snapped Malfoy.

Harry leaned close to whisper in his ear, "Would you like a dozen more strokes of the belt across your arse, or would you prefer I stroke your hole with my cock, instead?"

"Fuck me, Potter, before I strangle you with that ruddy belt."

Harry grinned in delight and lubricated Malfoy with a wandless spell before dropping his own trousers and pants to mid-thigh. He tossed his belt to the floor, where it landed with a clang, then shuffled into position behind Malfoy. Harry lined his cock up with Malfoy's entrance and pushed forward slowly. When the tip of his penis penetrated Malfoy's quivering ring of muscle, both of them sighed in relief.

Harry didn't wait for Malfoy to adjust; this was punishment, after all. He drove in deeper, pulled back, then plunged in again. Harry repeated the motion over and over, shagging Malfoy hard and fast. The desk began rocking precariously, and parchment and quills spilled over the edges to scatter across the floor. There was a ruckus from the portraits hanging on the walls as some screamed and covered their eyes while others cheered in lusty encouragement.

"More, Harry, more," moaned Malfoy, gripping the sides of the desk tightly and pushing back into each thrust.

Harry increased the tempo, pounding into Malfoy's tight, slick hole in a frenzy. He reached around Malfoy and closed his fingers over the professor's rigid cock.

"Yes, yes," gasped Malfoy, twisting his hips now.

Harry continued shagging and tugging until Malfoy tossed his head back and groaned as he decorated Harry's desk with his release. Harry didn't last much longer; he spurted into Malfoy even as Malfoy was still clenching around him.

Harry's hands landed on the desk on each side of Malfoy as he slumped over the professor's back and panted for breath. When he felt he could move again, he eased out of Malfoy and took a wobbling step back. Harry swept a cleaning charm over himself and pulled his pants and trousers up. Malfoy hadn't moved.

"Clean up that mess you made," Harry ordered, tugging up his zip.

"Do it yourself," snapped Malfoy. "Cleaning wasn't part of my punishment." He bent to pull up his own clothing.

Harry landed an open-handed smack to Malfoy's arse. "That's for your cheek," he growled.

Malfoy yanked his garments up with a huff and smoothed his robe into place. "Heathen," he hissed. He sailed across the office, the effect somewhat ruined by the slight hitch in his gait.

Malfoy reached the door with as much dignity as he could muster, only to stiffen in outrage as another voice taunted, "Hufflepuff."

Malfoy turned his head and sent a venomous glare at the Sorting Hat before sticking his nose in the air and exiting. He slammed the door shut behind him.

Harry snickered and flicked a cleaning charm over his desk, then began returning the strewn parchments and quills to their proper places. He wasn't spared the Hat's censure.

"Slytherin," it jeered.

Harry laughed out loud and turned the Hat pink with a simple gesture. He sat in his chair and smirked at the sputtering relic. "It seems you were right all along."

Maladies and Marauders

content: spanking, rating: nc17, profession: professor(s), gift, content: top!harry, verse: headmaster harry, content: desk sex, content: partially clothed sex

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