
Jan 04, 2011 22:21

Title: Conquest
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, dub-con, creature!fic, rimming, pwp
Word count: 875
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for olimakiella, with a prompt of ruby.
Summary: Malfoy didn't know what he was getting into.

"What the hell, Potter?" Malfoy demanded, touching his lip with trembling fingertips.

They had Apparated from the club to Harry's flat and had quickly made their way to the windowless bedroom. Clothing had been cast aside between frantic snogs and frenzied groping. Malfoy was hot for it, Harry could tell, and he had once again seized Malfoy's kiss-swollen lips in a passionate snog. This time, Harry had been unable to resist the urge to bite and to taste.

Malfoy lowered his hand, and another drop of ruby-red blood welled up from the tiny wound on his bottom lip.

A soft growl, one of thirst and hunger and arousal, rumbled from Harry's throat.

Malfoy's eyes widened, and he stumbled back a step.

Harry's arms tightened about him reflexively.

"May-maybe I should go," stammered Malfoy. "Unhand me, Potter."

Harry shook his head slowly. "You may leave after," he said.


"After I've had my wicked way with you," Harry replied. He wasn't smiling when he said it. Harry leaned into Malfoy, and they fell upon the bed. His eyes fastened on the pulse fluttering madly at the hollow of Malfoy's throat, and Harry licked his lips.

"You're a vampire," Malfoy whispered. It wasn't a question. "That's why you're only seen at night, in the clubs, you-"

"Shut your mouth and open your legs, Malfoy," Harry ordered. Malfoy tried to squirm away, and Harry struck. He clamped his fangs into Malfoy's throat and bit down.

Malfoy yelped and flailed, but he succumbed in seconds. He moaned and arched up, spreading for Harry. Harry didn't give Malfoy a chance to change his mercurial mind. He positioned his hips at the apex of Malfoy's thighs and entered him with a savage stroke. Malfoy was hot and tight and slick. Obviously, he'd been prepared to leave the club with a conquest in tow. Unfortunately for Malfoy, he was the one being conquered tonight.

A strangled cry escaped Malfoy at the sudden, sharp penetration, but his protest subsided into a moan of surrender as he tilted his hips and pushed up for more. Harry obliged him, sucking at Malfoy's throat and fucking his hole with equal fervor. Malfoy climaxed with a shrill scream, bucking and thrashing beneath Harry in the throes of a white-hot pleasure more intense than any he'd ever experienced.

Harry snarled and gripped Malfoy harder with his teeth. His cock continued to piston smoothly in and out, stroking Malfoy's clenching channel in one hard thrust after another. Harry was only dimly aware of Malfoy going limp and still beneath him. His pumping hips never faltered as he lapped at Malfoy's blood and rammed his cock into Malfoy again and again.

Harry's muscles tightened an instant before he exploded into orgasm. He released Malfoy's throat in favor of throwing his head back and roaring in pleasure as his twitching cock shot gouts of creamy spunk into Malfoy's hole. It seemed to last forever, and the cords in Harry's neck stood out as his body shuddered in ecstasy. Harry was left trembling in the aftermath, but unlike Malfoy's lethargy, Harry felt energized. Partaking of Malfoy's intoxicating blood had invigorated him like never before.

Harry withdrew from Malfoy's ravaged hole and stroked a thumb over the ragged wound in his throat, causing the torn flesh to heal with nary a mark left behind.

Malfoy's eyes blinked open. "Vampire," he muttered, striving to organize his leaden limbs into an escape attempt.

Harry was having none of it. He flipped Malfoy onto his stomach and pushed him up on his knees, ignoring the squawk of protest as he spread Malfoy's arse cheeks. Malfoy's fluttering rim was bloodied, and Harry bent his head and swept his tongue over the abused flesh. The flavor here was even more provocative yet--a thrilling combination of blood and Malfoy and sex and Harry.

Even as Malfoy screeched a complaint, he was thrusting back and fisting the sheets and moaning like a well-trained whore. Harry's tongue sought every trace of blood, inside and out, before he rose up behind Malfoy and plunged into his loosened hole once more. Malfoy's strangled cry only sharpened Harry's desire, and he grabbed a handful of blond hair and yanked Malfoy upright. Harry angled his head and sank his teeth into Malfoy's throat again. He was rewarded with another shrill scream and a squeeze of the slick muscles encasing his cock.

Malfoy's body responded beautifully, spreading for Harry and arching back into each vicious thrust, even as he cursed Harry and threatened him with all manner of retribution. Harry ignored Malfoy's empty words and concentrated instead on pounding his arse full of cock. In a matter of moments, Malfoy had been fucked into submission. He undulated on Harry's shaft while wanking himself into another climax.

Harry maintained his frenetic pace, driving into Malfoy's spasming body again and again. As Malfoy's rich blood filled his mouth and warmed him from the inside out, Harry had a notion to chain his latest conquest to his bed for all eternity.

Conquest 2

content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: rimming, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: creature fic, creature: vampire, content: dub-con

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