Title: The Christmas Knickers 4
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry/Draco, others
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 340
Written for the following:
★ AdventDrabbles on InsaneJournal prompt #9 - Christmas crackers
Summary: It's the most knickerful time of the year!
Author's note: This is the fourth year of
The Christmas Knickers, but this can be read as a stand-alone.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.
Harry wrapped an arm around Draco's waist and smiled as his husband's head came to rest on his shoulder. "I declare our party to be a smashing success this year," said Harry.
Draco grinned up at him. "It's a smashing success every year," he added, and indeed it was. In the years Harry and Draco had been hosting an annual holiday party, it had become the social event of the season.
"It's nearing midnight," Harry said. "Time to bring out the Christmas crackers." They had established a tradition of passing out crackers for the guests to open at midnight. One cracker in particular, however, would contain a pair of sexy knickers that the recipient was expected to wear in some capacity for the remainder of the evening. It had become the highlight of the party, as the guests waited in breathless anticipation to see which of them got the knickers.
Harry waved his wand, and trays filled with Christmas crackers floated among the guests. They paired up, and at midnight, everyone pulled apart their crackers, exclaiming in delight at the gifts they contained.
"You cannot be serious!"
All heads turned toward the exclamation to see Hermione Weasley holding aloft a pair of shocking pink knickers made of satin and lace--a very pregnant Hermione Weasley.
The other guests laughed and cheered, while Hermione sent a glare Harry and Draco's way. "How am I to wear these?" she called.
"Allow me," Pansy offered, stepping up. She took the knickers from Hermione, tied the garment into an intricate bow, and used Hermione's hair clip to affix the new adornment in her thick brown hair.
The others cheered, and Hermione smiled at Pansy. "Thank you," she said.
Draco breathed a sigh of relief. "Crisis averted," he whispered to Harry.
Ron turned his wife to face him, admiring her new hair bow. "Say, Hermione," he began. "When we get home, could you...you know...expand those and wear them for real?"
A loud yelp of pain cut through the crowd.