Birthday!gift; HarryLovesDraco Challenge #11

Nov 13, 2010 17:21

Title: Under the Quidditch Stands
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 680
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♥ Birthday gift for wellowned, with a prompt of dreams
harrylovesdraco Challenge #11 - What (character name) saw under the Quidditch stands that made his/her head explode
Summary: One person's dream is another's nightmare.
Author's note: Please do not link to Facebook or Twitter.

For Harry, it was a fantasy come to life.

He had been wanking to images of Draco Malfoy for years. The reality was so much better, however.

Harry and Draco had been getting along ever since they both returned to Hogwarts to complete their education. They had begun spending their Sunday afternoons flying above the Quidditch pitch. It gave Harry something to do while his best friends were doing one another, and it allowed him the opportunity to become friends with Draco.

Harry would have been content to remain friends, but when Draco began to flirt with him, Harry grabbed at the chance for something more. Flirting led to casual touching, and it then progressed to snogging and frotting. Harry and Draco only ever indulged themselves at the pitch. Elsewhere, they maintained an air of simple friendship. It was the first time Harry had ever truly done something for himself, and the secretive nature of his relationship with Draco added to the thrill and excitement of it.

On this day, snogging and rubbing against one another beneath the Quidditch stands hadn't been enough. Harry and Draco began to tug at various articles of clothing. They ended up naked on the ground, shagging atop the pile of their clothes.


For Draco, it was a dream come true.

He had admired Harry Potter from afar since First Year. When Harry refused his friendship, Draco had channeled his disappointment into anger.

Now that they had come back to Hogwarts to finish their aborted Seventh Year, Draco had been relieved and happy that he and Harry had managed to put the past behind them and start fresh. Eventually, however, mere friendship wasn't enough for Draco. He wanted more. He began flirting with Harry when it was just the two of them out flying. When Harry responded in kind, Draco had been encouraged. He had begun to touch Harry--casual brushes of fingertips or knuckles over Harry's arm or back and the occasional press of thigh against thigh.

Their first kiss had been electric, and it wasn't long before they were snogging and rubbing and getting off with one another.

On this day, however, Draco had wanted more, and he had gotten it. Lying beneath Harry on a pile of cast-off clothing and arching up to meet each movement of Harry's body was better than Draco had ever imagined.


For Ron, it was a nightmare.

He knew that Harry had been feeling somewhat left out since they had returned to Hogwarts with Hermione and a handful of other students their age, but he had never reckoned on Harry becoming friends with Malfoy, of all people.

Hermione told him not to worry about it--that the war was over now and they all needed to put past rivalries and old hurts behind them. She said that Harry and Malfoy were setting a fine example, not just for Hogwarts' students, but also for wizarding society at large. Hermione, herself, had defended Pansy Parkinson when other students had been harassing the Slytherin girl. The two of them had struck up a tentative friendship of their own. It was for that reason that Ron realized perhaps it was time he gave Malfoy a chance, too.

On this day, Ron had decided to join Harry and Malfoy for some flying over the Quidditch pitch. When he arrived, however, there was no sign of either of them. Their brooms were lying on the ground, and Ron thought he heard voices coming from beneath the Ravenclaw stands. Thinking the other boys were looking for a Quaffle or a practice Snitch, Ron ducked under the framework and let his eyes adjust to the dim light.

What he saw was enough to send Ron bolting back to the castle.


For Hermione, it was a mystery.

She knew her boyfriend had been traumatized by something, but Ron refused to talk about it. All he said was, "Do not go looking under the Quidditch stands."

comm: harrylovesdraco, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: eighth year, content: getting caught, content: hogwarts era

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