AWDT Halloween Drabble-a-Thon 7; HDSeasons 13 Smutty Nights 13

Oct 31, 2010 16:31

Title: Vampire and Victim
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sexual activity, creature!fic
Word count: 800
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
awdt Halloween Drabble-a-Thon prompt #7 - "Boo! Ha ha, gotcha!"
hd_seasons 13 Smutty Nights of Halloween prompt #13 - Things that go bump in the night, come
♥ This is from my fluffy vampire!Harry verse. Can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: When vampires want to play, good boyfriends suffer.
Author's note: Please do not link to Facebook or Twitter.

Draco made his way as quietly as possible through the Manor's gardens. Once again, he had been foolish enough to fall asleep late in the afternoon, and it had been dark when he awoke. Draco had rubbed the sleep from his eyes and found a note on the table next to the sofa.

Come meet me in the gardens.

That meant Draco's boyfriend wanted to play. Draco wouldn't mind these games of vampire and victim so much, were it not for the fact that Harry typically managed to frighten five years off his life each time. Harry had taken Draco's wand, entrenching him even more firmly in the role of helpless victim. The sacrifices Draco made for his fellow wizards! He supposed he was fortunate that Harry was a monogamous hunter, but that didn't mean Draco had to enjoy it.

His anxiety and ire notwithstanding, Draco was hard and aroused by the time he came to the first fork in the path. He turned to the left, no clear destination in mind. It didn't matter where Draco went; Harry was sure to find him.

A soft noise in the bushes startled Draco, and he pulled up short. His heart was racing, and his palms were sweaty. When nothing further happened, Draco relaxed. "Ridiculous," he muttered to himself. He was a grown wizard, for Merlin's sake. Things that go bump in the night shouldn't frighten him so. However, there was something about being stalked by a vampire that set Draco's nerves to jangling. He continued down the path, pausing every now and then to listen for sounds of pursuit. Draco ducked under a low-hanging branch and screamed when hands came down and seized him by the shoulders.

"Boo! Ha ha, gotcha!" cried Harry. He dropped onto the path in time to keep Draco from falling when Draco's knees threatened to give way.

"Merlin's buggering bollocks, Harry!" raged Draco. He shoved Harry hard in the chest. "You'll give me a heart attack one of these nights!"

"Blood, I must have blood," Harry said, baring his fangs in dramatic fashion.

"I don't wish to play any more," sniffed Draco. He stepped back and held out his hand. "Give me my wand."

Harry pouted, but he reached for his back pocket before hesitating. "Wait, what are you going to do with it?"

"I'm going to hex you into a salamander."

"Then I'm not giving you your wand back."

"Give it to me, Harry!" Draco realized his tactical error when his boyfriend smirked. "I meant-eep!"

Harry pounced, landing atop Draco on the dirt path. "I have every intention of giving it to you," he purred. He batted Draco's flailing hands aside to get at the fastening of his clothing. Draco was left with one sock and his shirt hanging off his shoulders. Harry swooped in and laved his boyfriend's neck with his tongue.

Draco ceased his cursing and struggling, and he moaned and tilted his head back instead. "Harry," he breathed as his hungry vampire bit him in the throat. Mm, yes. This was the reason Draco didn't really mind having a vampire for a boyfriend. He allowed Harry to lay him back on the path, and he pushed his hips up, seeking penetration of a different sort.

Harry fumbled his trousers open while sipping at Draco's blood. Once he managed to free his cock, he conjured lube in his palm, smoothed it over his shaft, and plunged into Draco's willing body.

Draco gasped at the sudden intrusion, but he didn't shy away. He tilted his pelvis higher and dug one heel into Harry's arse to encourage him to drive deep. Sex with Harry was brilliant, whether they were in a cozy bed or on a cold dirt path, and Draco lost himself to it. They shagged there in the garden, generating enough heat to chase the chill away. Draco climaxed first, shouting Harry's name again as he trembled beneath him.

Harry maintained his steady pace, and when his own orgasm was imminent, he raised his head from Draco's throat and cried out in pleasure as he came.

Draco tolerated Harry's weight sprawled atop him until the coldness from the ground seeped into his body, and he realized there were serious drawbacks to shagging in the garden. "Get off of me, you menace," he said, pinching Harry's hip.

Harry yelped in response and sat up with a scowl on his face. Draco sat up, too, and began searching for his scattered clothing. "Where is my wand?"

Harry worried his lower lip with one of his fangs before blurting, "Do you still plan to turn me into a salamander?"

Suck This

content: outdoor sex, content: established relationship, challenge: awdt quickies, rating: r, content: humor, content: top!harry, comm: hd_seasons, content: creature fic, content: partially clothed sex, verse: fluffy vampire!harry, creature: vampire

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