Birthday!gift; HarryLovesDraco; Fluffy Halloween Fest; HDPotsNPorn; HDSeasons

Oct 18, 2010 19:04

Title: No Costumes Necessary
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, ocs
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word Count: 1330
Written for:
♥ Early birthday gift for alafaye, whose prompt was Halloween Ball.
harrylovesdraco Challenge #10 - Start with It was a dark and stormy night. Must also use the following words: mystic, fog(gy), black, pumpkin(s), tree(s), WooooOOOOOoooo, trip, DVD, trash, stair(s)/stairway
hd_fluff 2nd Annual Fluffy Halloween Fest, using this prompt: Aurors Potter and Malfoy were tracking a fugitive in a Muggle area when they find themselves in the middle of a Halloween Ball. With their costumes (standard Auror uniforms) so unique, people start asking what it was. Hilarity ensues as they try to get creative on their explanations.
hd_pots_n_porn Prompt #34 - caramel apple
hd_seasons - October prompts: #2 - Halloween Fantasy Ball, #3 - Lycanthrophobia, #4 - Mask, #7 - pumpkins, #8 - Bonfire, #9 - Haunted house, and Dialogue prompt #7 - "Is there anything more disgusting than candy corn?"
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Harry and Draco trail a fugitive Death Eater into a Muggle party.

It was a dark and stormy night, typical for London during October. Ground fog swirled around the ankles of the Aurors who were prowling the back streets and alleys of one of the rougher sections of the East End. It lent an eerie, almost mystic air to their mission and prompted them to proceed with caution.

Harry and Draco were tracking a fugitive Death Eater, and he had led them to this Muggle area. They picked their way carefully through the trash of a narrow jitty, wands held at the ready. Their black cloaks helped to conceal them in the shadows cast by trees that had not yet lost their leaves.

"If I trip and break my ankle, I am going to cast Avada Kedavra first and ask questions later," growled Draco.

"Shacklebolt wants him alive," Harry reminded his partner.

"Be that as it may..." Draco's voice trailed off as he realized they'd come to the end of the jitty. "Dead end," he muttered. Thunder rumbled overhead as if to underscore his words.

"No, it isn't," Harry said. "Look." He intensified the light coming from the tip of his wand and used it to illuminate a set of stairs that led to a door below street level. Harry glanced at Draco and gestured to the stairwell. "Age before beauty," he smirked.

"Are you implying that you are more beautiful than I?" snorted Draco.

"Are you too frightened to go first?"

Draco grumbled beneath his breath and descended the stairs. The door was unlocked and opened easily, spilling forth light and music. Draco entered and blinked at the sudden brightness. He blinked again. He had just stepped into what appeared to be a Halloween Fantasy Ball.

Harry shouldered his way past his inert partner and took in their surroundings. Costumed revelers danced to the pounding beat of fast music, while multi-colored lights flashed and strobed over the dance floor. Fake spiderwebs hung from the ceiling, and carved pumpkins grinned from the sidelines. Cardboard tombstones were propped in one corner, alongside a realistic-looking coffin.

"Is this a party, or a haunted house?" Harry wondered out loud.

A woman approached them with a tray laden with mugs of ale. "Do you gents care for a drink?" she asked. Her voice was muffled beneath the hideous mask she wore. When they declined, she eyed their Auror uniforms up and down and purred, "What are you lads dressed as?"

"We're musketeers," Harry improvised. "We're meeting a friend here. Perhaps you've-"


Draco's wand came up as quickly as the hair on his nape. "What was that?!"

The woman laughed. "That's just a werewolf DVD the bartender is watching. Nothing to be scared of, love," she murmured, sidling closer to Draco.

"Forgive my friend," Harry interrupted. "He suffers from lycanthrophobia."

"Riiiiight," said the woman, backing away from Draco in haste. She pivoted and disappeared in the crowd.

Draco glared at Harry. "Thank you, Potter. Now she thinks I have some dreadful disease."

"Never mind that," Harry said. "We need to find Applecross." He turned and warded the door, casting an elaborate spell that would freeze any witch or wizard, yet allow Muggles to pass. "I'll go this way through the crowd, and you take that side of the room."

Draco began winding his way through the throng, head up and eyes alert for any sign of Applecross. A bloke who smelled as if he'd been marinating in ale lurched into Draco.

"Sorry 'bout that," the man slurred. He tried to focus his bleary gaze on Draco's uniform. "What're you s'posed to be?"

Draco hesitated. "I'm a..." What had Harry said? "I'm a mouseketeer," he announced.

"Where're your ears?!"

Tired of wasting time, Draco pushed past the drunken sot and continued on his way.

Harry wasn't faring much better. He hadn't taken half a dozen steps before he was detained by an overly friendly vamp.

"Nice uniform," she leered, latching onto Harry's wand arm. "What are you?"

"A privateer," Harry said, trying to look around the tall woman.

"I have someplace private we can go," invited the vampire.

Harry gave her a cold smile. "Thank you, but my boyfriend wouldn't approve." There, that should get her to back off.

"He can join us for a threesome."

Harry gaped at her in dismay. "Madam," he huffed, "we are bent, not perverted!" By the time Harry escaped the vamp's clutches and reached the end of the large room, Draco was waiting for him. He was standing by the buffet table, eating a caramel apple.

"Why are you eating a caramel apple?" demanded Harry. His eyes strayed to the bit of caramel that clung to Draco's lower lip.

"I was hungry, and nothing else looked good," shrugged Draco. "Is there anything more disgusting than candy corn?" he sneered, gesturing at a bowl filled with the sugary treats.

"Fantastic costumes," commented a fairy sprite as she helped herself to some candy corn. "What are they, though?"

"We're, ah, we're undercover agents," Harry lied.

"Ooh, how exciting," giggled the fairy. "Save me a dance?" She whirled and was gone before either of them had a chance to answer.

"No sign of Applecross?" Draco asked, taking another bite of his caramel apple. "Hey!" he cried, as a flick of Harry's wand Vanished his treat.

"No, I haven't seen Applecross," snapped Harry. "He can't have escaped. We would have heard him Disapparate, and I warded the door."

"We haven't searched the dance floor," Draco pointed out. He still had a bit of caramel clinging tenaciously to his lip, and Harry longed to lick it off. Draco strode to the dance floor, and Harry was forced to tag along.

They split up and joined the dancers on the floor, where they began carefully scrutinizing anyone wearing a black cape. Harry accosted two Draculas and one Zorro and nearly got punched in the face for his trouble. He also lost patience with how many times he was questioned about his costume. "I'm a doctor," he told one person. "I'm a Beefeater...I'm Captain Kirk...I'm a professor."

However, when Harry overheard his partner say, "I'm a wizard, for Merlin's sake!" all hell broke loose. Screams alerted them to Applecross' position as the man tried to bolt from the throng of dancers.

Draco hit Applecross with a Locomotor Mortis, causing the man to tumble to the floor and lose his wand.

Harry snagged a pair of fuzzy handcuffs from a nearby Dominatrix and used them to secure their prisoner, while Draco scooped up the fallen wand and pocketed it. As the Aurors hauled Applecross upright, they realized all eyes in the place were locked on them.

"Mass Obliviation?" Draco suggested in a whisper.

Harry improvised one last time. "Ta-da!" he exclaimed, dipping in a low bow with a flourish of his cloak.

The crowd burst into a round of applause, and Harry and Draco hustled their prisoner to the door. Harry dismantled his spell, and they dragged Applecross up the steps and out into the cold, drizzling rain. After making sure no Muggles were about, the Aurors Disapparated, taking Applecross with them.


"It's only nine o'clock, Potter," Draco grinned. "The night is still early." They had turned Applecross over once they had returned to the Ministry. The subsequent report could wait until morning.

Harry hung his cloak on a hook on their office door before turning to his partner. "Percy is hosting a bonfire," he said. "We can go there if you'd like. No costumes necessary."

Draco sauntered up and looped his arms around Harry's neck. "Let's go home, instead," he suggested. "The only fire I want to light is in our bedroom."

rating: pg13, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship, content: humor, comm: harrylovesdraco, gift: birthday, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, content: halloween, comm: hd_fluff, comm: hd_seasons

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