HarryDracoMpreg #1: Ruddy Hormones

Oct 16, 2010 22:39

Title: Ruddy Hormones
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word Count: 560
Author's note: Written for Prompt #1 at harrydracompreg, which is mood swings.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Mood swings are one thing, but Draco is on a moody roller coaster.

Harry stepped out of the Floo and brushed soot from his shoulders. "Draco, where are you?"

"In the kitchen!"

Harry followed the scent of baking into the kitchen and found his boyfriend humming to himself and spooning cookie dough on a pan. Fresh cookies sat on a cooling rack, and Harry helped himself to one before kissing Draco on the lips. "Mm," he hummed after taking a bite of the cookie. "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion," Draco answered. "I simply had a craving for them."

Draco had been craving many things lately, and cookies seemed rather tame compared to some of the other items he'd been eating.

Harry grinned and stroked his palm over his boyfriend's rounded stomach. "Can I help with anything?"

"Yes," Draco nodded. "You can help eat the cookies so I don't gain more weight."


"Harry James Potter!"

Harry cringed. He should have known Draco's good humor wouldn't last. Pregnancy had made his already moody boyfriend positively volatile. Harry got off the sofa and trudged down the hallway to his doom. He poked his head into the bathroom. "Yes, love?"

"How many times do I have to tell you not to leave damp towels lying around?!" cried Draco. He was brandishing the hand towel that Harry had left on the sink after washing his hands.

Harry was about to argue in his own defense, but then he thought better of it. These days, it was best not to rile his temperamental partner. "I'm sorry, Draco," he said meekly.

Draco snorted, only partially mollified. "See that it doesn't happen again."


Harry sighed in contentment. Draco had apparently forgiven him for the damp towel transgression and was now cuddled up to Harry on the sofa as they watched one of their favorite programs. Harry had made some popcorn, although he hadn't gotten to eat much of it before Draco had snagged it and began munching.

When there was a commercial break, Draco sat up and pushed the empty bowl at Harry. "Would you make some more popcorn, please?" he requested.

"Of course, love," Harry agreed. Draco did most of the shopping and cooking, so making popcorn was one way in which Harry could satisfy his desire to provide for his mate. He took the empty bowl and wandered into the kitchen, where he put another bag of popcorn in the microwave oven.

Harry returned to the living room to find his boyfriend sobbing on the sofa. He rushed over to enfold Draco in his arms. "What's wrong?!" cried Harry.

"A c-commercial for g-greeting cards," Draco hiccuped, clinging to Harry's shirt. "It made me all emo-emotional." He sat up and swiped at his eyes before bestowing a wobbly smile on Harry. "Ruddy hormones."

"Hormones," Harry agreed. His own smile was strained. Hermione had warned him that Draco would experience mood swings, but this was ridiculous. Harry melted when Draco snuggled close once more.

The timer from the microwave dinged from the kitchen, but Harry continued to pet his boyfriend's hair. The popcorn could wait until Draco felt better.

Draco sat up straight and glowered at Harry. "Well? Aren't you going to fetch my popcorn?" he snapped. "I'm bloody hungry!"

rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, comm: harrydracompreg

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