Belated birthday!gift; 2nd Annual Fluffy Halloween Fest

Oct 15, 2010 15:48

Title: Tart in Tartan
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Slytherins
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1170
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers!
Written for the following:
♥ Belated birthday fic for animeartistjo who requested top!Harry, surprise.
hd_fluff 2nd Annual Fluffy Halloween Fest, using this photo prompt of a bloke in a kilt and the prompt of sparkle!vampire (Twilight parody/ridiculousness).
Author's note: Fic is from this verse, but can easily be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: As Harry gets ready for a Halloween ball, he wonders what Draco will be wearing this year.

Harry frowned at his reflection in the mirror. His Halloween costume was too revealing for his taste, but Draco had asked him to wear this particular outfit. Harry was meant to portray some nouveau vampire, popular with the teen set. He was wearing a denim shirt that bared his chest, a pair of jeans, and brown boots. Harry had slicked his hair back and used a modified Densaugeo to lengthen his canines. He was also wearing his contact lenses, which he wasn't fond of. With a sigh, Harry reached for the glitter gel that came with the costume and smeared it all over his chest and on his cheeks.

"I look ridiculous," he muttered.

Harry trudged for the Floo, wondering what Draco's costume was going to be. Of course, his ruddy boyfriend had kept mum on the subject, telling Harry it would be a surprise. Harry hoped there would not be a repeat of last year's debacle, when he had groped the wrong bloke at the Greengrass-Zabini Costume Ball. It had been Draco's fault for making Harry try to guess which costumed reveler he was.

Harry emerged from the Floo in the foyer of Blaise Zabini's mansion. Zabini himself greeted Harry. "Potter, you're certainly dazzling this evening," he grinned. Zabini was garbed in pirate gear.

Harry scowled at him. "Where is Draco?" he asked.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or has Edward Cullen graced us with his presence?" The droll comment came from Pansy Parkinson-Smith. She was dressed as Cleopatra, which worked well with the bob she wore her dark hair in.

Once Harry escaped the Slytherin contingent, he made his way into the ballroom. A string quartet was playing on a raised dais while costumed guests danced an elegant waltz. The other end of the room featured tables laden with food and drink, and House-elves moved among the crowd with trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Harry's eyes scanned the throngs of guests, hoping to catch sight of Draco's blond hair.

"There you are, my sparkling vampire," purred a voice behind him.

Harry turned and groaned. Standing before him was Draco, wearing that impossibly sexy kilt of his and not much else. The red and black tartan was draped around Draco's waist and slung over one shoulder, and a matching tam sat at a jaunty angle on Draco's head. He wore sturdy shoes and white socks that came to his knees, leaving a portion of his legs bare. Harry knew from experience that Draco would be wearing nothing under that kilt. "Home. Now," he wheezed.

"Don't be absurd," murmured Draco. "You've only just arrived, and I haven't been here much longer."

Harry pressed a hand against his burgeoning erection. "I need to shag you," he hissed.

Draco smirked at him. "You'll simply have to wait until we get home. Later."

"You don't understand," growled Harry, growing desperate. "I need to shag you now. We can either find some privacy, or I can flip your kilt up and bugger you right here in front of everyone."

Draco blinked at him in surprise. "Very well, you savage," he sniffed. "Come with me."

"Oh, I'm coming, with or without you," Harry muttered as he obediently trailed along after his sadistically sexy boyfriend.

Draco led them from the ballroom and up a narrow, back staircase to the second floor. He selected a door and opened it, dragging Harry in with him. The dim light from outside revealed a small sitting room with chairs arranged around a low table. "We'll need to do this standing up," Draco announced. "Otherwise, you'll get glitter all over everything." As he spoke, Draco gripped the back of one of the chairs and sent a sly look at Harry over his bare shoulder.

Harry unzipped his jeans and allowed his aching cock to spring from its confinement. He pulled Draco's hips back and rucked his kilt up. Harry gripped his boyfriend's arse and spread his cheeks, finding Draco's hole glistening with lubricant. "You naughty tart," he husked, giving Draco's arse a stinging swat. "You knew what the sight of you in this get-up would do to me."

"What are you going to do about it, Sparkles?" taunted Draco.

"I'll fuck you until your eyes cross," Harry warned, leaning close to speak the words in Draco's ear. He felt his boyfriend shiver against him.

"Now, Harry. Do it now!"

Harry guided his cock between Draco's arse cheeks and thrust into his boyfriend's welcoming heat. Harry moaned in pleasure, and Draco whined softly. Unable to resist, Harry pushed in further. "Am I hurting you?"

"Feels good," Draco panted. "Hurry." He gave a shimmy of his hips, encouraging Harry to drive in deeper.

Harry didn't waste any time. He settled into a hard, fast rhythm, designed to get them both off quickly. Harry fisted one hand in Draco's kilt to keep it out of the way, while his other hand snaked around to grasp Draco's cock and tug it in tandem with his thrusts.

"Oh, oh fuck, Harry," puffed Draco, bucking wildly under his boyfriend's pumping hips.

They heard female voices in the corridor, which grew louder as the women approached. Harry clenched his teeth to keep from groaning aloud, but he didn't pause in his activity. He continued stroking Draco with his cock and his hand, hoping Draco would be able to remain quiet. The voices faded away, and Harry expelled a harsh breath, giving Draco's shaft a squeeze as he did so.

Draco cried out and tensed in front of Harry. His slick hole contracted around Harry's cock and drew forth Harry's own release.

Harry slumped against Draco and wiped his hand on his boyfriend's kilt. "That was fantastic," he rasped.

Draco dug an elbow into Harry's side. "Let's get cleaned up and back downstairs before anyone guesses what we've been up to."

Harry withdrew from him and used his wand to cast a cleaning charm over his bits and Draco's arse. Draco drew his own wand from his waistband and cleaned his kilt. Harry crossed to the door, banging his shin on a decorative side table on the way. He listened at the door but heard no noise from the corridor. "Come on," he said, beckoning Draco over.

The two of them made their way back downstairs and returned to the ballroom. As they paused at the edge of the dance floor, Pansy approached with a drink in hand.

"Draco Malfoy, you sneaky slag!" she exclaimed. "Couldn't you and Potter wait until you got home to shag?"

Harry cringed, and Draco's face reddened. "What makes you think we were shagging?" challenged Draco.

"Don't be coy, darling," scoffed Pansy. "You have glitter all over your back."

Tartan Tussle

content: kilt fic, content: established relationship, content: chair sex, rating: nc17, fest: fluffy halloween fest, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: halloween, comm: hd_fluff, content: partially clothed sex

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