JMDC Gift!fic; AWDT

Oct 14, 2010 16:06

Title: Mail Order
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 425
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers! Mind the rating and warning(s).
Author's note: Written for the following:
♥ Gift!fic for literaryspell who won September's JMDC with a prompt of typewriter.
awdt prompt - Mail order is preferred.
Summary: Harry's task is to bolster Draco's spirits.

Harry came home to find Draco plunking away on a dilapidated old typewriter. The tip of Draco's tongue protruded from the corner of his mouth--a clear indication of his level of concentration. "What are you doing?" Harry asked him.

"I'm trying to send an order to that bloody Muggle apothecary," Draco replied. He cursed and hit the correction key. "It's the only place I can order ginseng in bulk," he sighed.

"Why not use my computer and submit your order via the internet?" Harry suggested.

Draco stopped typing and glared up at his boyfriend. "Because their ruddy catalogue says mail order is preferred!" he snapped.

Harry didn't dare laugh. "Ahem," he cleared his throat. "I think they meant that they prefer you to submit your order so that it can be shipped, rather than going to their place of business so that they must drop everything and put your order together right then for you to take home."

"Why, those lazy buggers!" snarled Draco, yanking the paper out of the typewriter. He crumpled it into a ball and tossed it in the direction of the bin, where it joined a pile of others on the floor. "I'm never doing business with them again!"

"Now, love, don't be hasty," soothed Harry. "You need that ginseng for your potions class."

"Not if I teach the students something worthwhile instead of those bland, useless potions."

"Draco, they're children!" protested Harry. "Your task is to teach them the basics of brewing to prepare them for the more dangerous potions they'll be taught at Hogwarts."

"I want to teach Potions at Hogwarts," Draco pouted.

Harry placed his hands on Draco's shoulders and gave him an encouraging squeeze. "I know you do, love," he replied, "but you'll have to wait until old Slughorn retires. Again. In the meantime, you're working with primary students and sending them to Hogwarts with the best possible preparation for Slughorn's class."

Draco relaxed under Harry's ministrations. "My students do get better marks than the others, don't they?" he murmured.

"Absolutely," Harry agreed. "That's why there's a waiting list to take your class."

"There is, isn't there?" Draco beamed in pride.

"I have an idea," Harry said, leaning down to press a kiss to Draco's nape. "Why don't I use my computer to place your order, and then we can go out for a nice dinner and have a relaxing shag afterward?"

"Mm, sounds wonderful," Draco breathed. "Oh, and Harry? Would you order some more toys from that naughty store?"

gift: jmdc, comm: awdt, rating: pg13, content: established relationship

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