Mousse and Squirrel

Aug 29, 2010 16:08

Title: Mousse and Squirrel
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Cursing and violence
Word Count: 775
Written as: A birthday gift for elikiros, whose prompt was fluffy animagus!Draco. Um, he's fluffy, but he's anything but sweet.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.
Summary: Harry is on his way to meet another bloke. Draco won't have it.

Harry scowled at his reflection in the mirror.

"Your hair is hopeless, dearie," the mirror lamented.

Harry's jaw firmed in determination. "We'll see about that," he muttered. Harry reached for a can of Muggle mousse that Hermione had purchased for him. He squirted a generous portion in his palm and squared his shoulders. He could do this. After all, it was necessary to make a good impression on the bloke he was scheduled to meet for brunch.

Harry spared a moment to feel a twinge of guilt. Draco had been furious about the situation. He was terribly jealous, and he had made no secret of how displeased he was that Harry was meeting Carlo DiPentino for brunch in his hotel room.

Harry had patiently explained that DiPentino was only interested in contributing to the Potter Fund for War-Torn Families. The man's only stipulation was that he wanted to meet Harry Potter. Harry didn't find the request unreasonable. Draco, however, had been livid. His ire only increased when Harry began fussing about making an impression on DiPentino. Harry had insisted it was only because the man was wealthy and influential. Draco had countered it was because DiPentino was handsome and gay.

They had argued for two days, and things had come to a head this morning. Harry had needed to physically remove Draco from their bedroom and ward the door to keep his boyfriend from interfering as he prepared to meet with DiPentino.

Harry gave no thought to the small, open window in the bathroom.


The albino squirrel scampered up the tree and sat in the branches where he could see in the upstairs bathroom window. His bushy tail flicked in anger, and his beady pink eyes were filled with rage.

How dare Harry banish him from the bedroom like a common servant? Even more vexing was that Draco's boyfriend was now primping to meet another man. For "brunch". In his hotel room. Why, Harry was even trying to tame that bird's nest he called hair. Draco had actually grown fond of Harry's disheveled locks, and now he was attempting to impose order on his hair?!

Draco wasn't having it. He wasn't having any of it.

The squirrel made his way to the windowsill. Harry was rummaging in a cupboard and didn't notice Draco's dramatic entrance. Draco leaped onto the shower curtain rod and waited for a chance to strike.

Harry returned to the mirror and began pulling a comb through his hair. Miraculously, it was behaving for once, and Harry seemed rather pleased.

Too pleased.

Draco pounced.


Harry never saw it coming.

One moment, he was combing his hair, and the next, something landed on his head with an enraged shriek and began tugging at his hair. Later, Harry would deny he screamed like a girl, but the sound he made as he stumbled off balance was high and shrill and terrified.

Harry grabbed for his head, encountering a furry body. He got a grip on his attacker and tried to pry it off his head. His fingers were bitten for the trouble. There followed an angry chatter from his assailant, and Harry was able to identify the culprit.

"Damn you, Draco!" he bellowed. "Geroff, you bloody, buggering rodent!"

Harry lurched into the bedroom with the squirrel still clinging tenaciously to his head. He finally succeeded in extracting Draco from his hair, whereupon he tossed his furry fiend of a boyfriend onto the bed.

Draco landed with a bounce and a few choice chitters. There were strands of dark hair clutched in his paws, and his tail was lashing with fury.

Harry stood, panting and fuming. "You...argh!" he yelled, unable to articulate just how angry he was. He stomped back into the bathroom and slammed the door. "Gah! My hair!"


Draco shifted back to his human form and reclined on the bed with a satisfied smirk. His ribs were sore from the tussle with Harry, but it had been worth it. Harry wouldn't have time to do anything else with his hair, and he'd have to go meet with the Italian bloke looking like he'd just come off a brilliant shag.

Harry stormed out of the bathroom, sent a venomous glare at Draco, and slammed out of the bedroom without a word.

Draco's grin widened as he listened to his boyfriend stomp down the steps. He lay back against the pillows and wondered if he could sabotage the meeting, too.

content: humor, content: animagus, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: jealousy, animagus: other

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