Targeted 10

Aug 28, 2010 23:58

Title: Targeted 10
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Ron, Shacklebolt, Nott
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of violence
Word count: 825
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for lisbet, who asked for an update to my Targeted series.
Summary: Nott has been targeted.

Harry waited until he and Ron had left the Ministry before addressing his friend's remark about Malfoy. "I didn't kill him, if that's what you're wondering," he said.

"More's the pity," Ron snorted before taking a bite of shepherd's pie.

His attitude gave Harry pause. "Malfoy was never a Death Eater," he remarked.

"Maybe not, but he was always a right nasty little shit," Ron shrugged. "You really have no idea where he is?" he pressed.

Harry's smile was grim. "If I knew, I couldn't tell you."

"Yeah," snorted Ron. "I forget your glamorous job comes with secrets you can't even share with your best mate."

Harry was taken aback at his friend's vehemence. "I'm certain you have cases you're not allowed to discuss, even with Hermione," he pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right," sighed Ron. "Sorry."

Harry felt himself relax. "It's alright," he replied. He was about to say something else when Shacklebolt's patronus flew into the pub.

"Weasley, Potter, get back here immediately."


Harry had tossed some money on the table to pay for their lunch before he and Ron rushed back to the Ministry of Magic. They strode into Shacklebolt's office.

"Don't bother sitting down," Shacklebolt said. "There was an attempt on Theodore Nott's life last night."

"Wasn't he under surveillance?" Ron asked.

"Yes, but the little bastard gave them the slip," answered Shacklebolt.

"He's damned lucky he's alive then," growled Ron.

Shacklebolt smirked. "He didn't escape unscathed. I want you two to go to St Mungo's and question him."


Harry walked in first.

Nott chuckled weakly at the sight of him. "Come to finish me off, have you?"

"Had I wanted you dead, you'd be dead," Harry responded without blinking an eye.

Nott dropped his challenging glare, and Ron cleared his throat and stepped into the breach. He withdrew a quick quotes quill and a pad from his pocket. "Tell us what happened."

"I went to Diagon Alley, and I was attacked," Nott replied.

"Our initial report says you were in Knockturn Alley," Ron corrected him.

"Er, yes," admitted Nott.

"So, you eluded your protection, went to Knockturn Alley and were almost killed," continued Ron. "Knockturn Alley is a dangerous place. How do you know you weren't the victim of a random act?"

"Whoever it was targeted me," Nott insisted.

"Why do you believe that?" Harry asked him.

"He was following me," Nott replied. "Rather sloppy of him, considering it put me on my guard."

"How did you escape?" Ron questioned.

"When he cast the killing curse, I dived aside and hit him with a counter-curse." Nott seemed rather smug about it.

"Which curse did you use?" Harry prompted.

"Auctus Intestinus," Nott answered. "It will cause his intestines to gradually expand and explode his abdomen if not treated. If he's not in St Mungo's being treated for it now, he will be soon enough."

Ron posed a few more questions before he closed his notepad. "I'm going to ask around and see if anyone has come in suffering from that curse," he said. He exited the room and nodded to the Aurors on guard in the corridor.

When he left, Harry turned his attention back to Nott. "Was this attack the result of your unfortunate past or something in conjunction with your brother?" He still didn't believe Nott had told him everything about Bainbridge.

"I have no brother," growled Nott. Harry remained silent, and Nott cracked first. "I don't know if it's related," he said.

Harry suspected that whoever had hired Bainbridge to assassinate former Death Eater sympathizers had simply replaced him and targeted Nott. He nodded at Nott and turned to leave but not before rebuking, "I suggest you allow the Aurors on your case to do their jobs after this."


"Exciting first day on the case, mate," laughed Ron.

Harry grinned at him, but his mind was busy turning over the facts in his head and searching for patterns.

"I need to go home before Hermione serves my arse up for dinner," Ron added. "Say, Harry, you know you're welcome to join us."

"Thanks, mate, but I need to get home, too," Harry told him. How did he tell his best friends that he was afraid of bringing danger to their door?

"Alright, but it's an open invitation."


Harry Apparated near his house and paused to check for any signs of danger or disturbance. By the time he walked in the front door, he was in no mood to deal with Malfoy's dramatics. All was blessedly quiet when Harry entered. He hung his cloak in the closet, fully expecting to be descended upon and harangued at any moment. When Malfoy still didn't appear, a frisson of alarm raised the hair on Harry's nape. "Malfoy?" he called.

There was no answer.

Harry drew his wand.


Targeted 11

verse: targeted, gift: birthday, rating: pg, profession: auror(s)

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