Birthday!gift: Mark of a Malfoy

Apr 12, 2010 21:37

Title: Mark of a Malfoy
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco-centric
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Sexual suggestion
Word count: 500
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for anexiana, who asked for an unusual tattoo.
Summary: A centuries-old pureblood family tradition goes awry.

June 5, 1998

Lucius used his cane to rap sharply at the heavy oaken door. "There are very few wizards left who are able to perform this complicated ritual, Draco," he said to his son. Lucius had prepared Draco for their visit to the countryside of Northern Ireland by explaining that generations of Malfoy males had paid a handsome price for a very special form of tattoo. It was one that would remain inert until such time as its host came into close contact with his predestined other half. At that time, the tattoo would become sentient, and it would magically shift from its original host to take up residence on the skin of the other person. Malfoy men had been choosing their spouses in that manner for centuries.

The door opened, and a wizened old woman beckoned them inside. Lucius and Draco had to duck to enter the small cottage. "Did you bring payment?" the woman demanded.

Lucius withdrew a pouch from his pocket and tossed it on the table, where it landed with a hefty clink.

"Come," the woman said to Draco.

Lucius nodded to his son. "Oh, and Draco? Do keep in mind that this tattoo will ultimately manifest itself on your future spouse," he warned.

"Yes, father," Draco replied as he followed the woman through another door.

The wizard waiting in the small room beyond looked even more ancient than the woman. "Master Malfoy," he greeted in a creaking voice.

Draco shrugged out of his shirt and sat down.

"And what manner of tattoo will you be wanting, sir?" the old wizard inquired.

"I want a dragon on my upper right chest," Draco declared. "A fierce one," he added with a sly smile. Unbeknownst to his father, there would be no delicate wife in Draco's future.

He preferred blokes.

Present day

Draco cracked an eye open...just far enough to ascertain the location of his hangover potion. He fumbled for it and took a grateful gulp. Immediately, his head cleared and his stomach settled. Draco breathed a sigh of relief and rolled over to indulge in a luxurious, full body stretch. The sex last night had been phenomenal, and a satisfied smile quirked Draco's lips. His arse ached in a manner most pleasant, and even his nipples still tingled from his lover's teeth and tongue.

A sudden frown marred Draco's brow. He had hooked up with the bloke at a theme club, where patrons dressed in costume. Draco had no idea whom he'd slept with. "Bugger," he muttered as he sat up and swung his legs out of bed. He should have gotten the man's name, at least.

Still mulling over his dilemma, Draco padded naked into the bathroom. He leaned close to the mirror to be sure his eyes weren't bloodshot. Draco stood up straight and gasped in disbelief at his reflection.

His dragon tattoo had disappeared.


Mark of a Malfoy 2

content: tattoo, verse: mark of a malfoy, gift: birthday, rating: pg13

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