Birthday!gift: Targeted 9

Jan 31, 2010 00:59

Title: Targeted 9
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco, Ron, OC
Rating: R
Warning(s): Wank
Word count: 910
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for prettyhairs, who asked for an update to my Targeted series.
Summary: Tensions escalate.

Despite his inner turmoil, Harry closed his bedroom door quietly behind him. He had learned to control and suppress his emotions, but damned if Malfoy didn't test his resolve on a constant basis. Annoying as it was, Harry did want Malfoy. The exasperating git was packaged in pure sex appeal, and Harry was not immune to Malfoy's allure.

Harry shed his clothing and headed for the shower and a necessary wank. He turned the taps and stepped under the warm spray, allowing it to sluice away some of his tension. Harry washed first, hoping his erection would subside on its own, but such was not the case. He reached for some bath oil he kept in the shower and poured a small amount in his palm. He braced his left hand against the tile and grasped his cock with his right. Harry worked his hand up and down his shaft, slowly at first. He picked up speed gradually, letting the pleasure build as he thrust his hips into it. Harry gasped, and his eyes fluttered shut. He didn't watch as his release swirled down the drain.


"Would you pass the carrots, please?"

"Who wants you dead, Malfoy?"

Draco glared at his host. "I'm beginning to think you do, Potter," he sneered.

Harry kept his expression impassive. "Do you still have Death Eater connections?" he pressed.

Draco's cutlery clattered, betraying his agitation. "I have made an effort to distance myself from all that, Potter," he said tightly. They glared at one another before Draco chuckled and shook his head. "It would be ironic if someone killed me now for the mistakes I made in my youth."

"Malfoy, it would help your cause if you could give me some clue as to who may be behind the attempt on your life," Harry persisted. Draco heaved a weary sigh. Harry looked at him sharply. "You're not protecting someone, are you?"

"Protect someone who wants me dead?" snorted Draco. "I think not."

"Are any of your acquaintances still supporting Voldemort's cause?" asked Harry. "Think, Malfoy. Think as if your life depended on it, because it does."


Long after Malfoy had gone up to bed, Harry remained in his study poring over the information he had on Malfoy's case. Malfoy still maintained he had no idea who wanted him dead, nor why. He had gotten frustrated with Harry's interrogation, as he termed it, and had gone up to bed early.

Harry envisioned Malfoy spread upon the sheets and using the vibrator to relieve his tension, and his cock jerked in reaction. He frowned and forced his attention back to the file. Harry reviewed the list of Malfoy's known acquaintances and made notes to look into some of them further. The sooner he solved this case, the sooner he could get Malfoy out of his life and out of his fantasies.



"Yes, sir?" Harry responded in a flat, cool voice.

"Come to my office," instructed Heidenreich.

Harry rose and followed his boss to the man's office.

"Have a seat," Heidenreich offered as he sat behind his desk. One of the three heads of the department Harry worked in, Heidenreich was competent, capable, and commanded respect. Harry appreciated the fact that Heidenreich was the only one of the three who had actually worked in the field as an assassin prior to taking on a leadership role. "I understand your most recent target is still alive," Heidenreich said, leaning back in his chair.

Harry wasn't fooled by the man's casual pose. "That's correct," he answered.

"Do you mind telling me why?"

"Malfoy wasn't a viable target," Harry explained. "He is unmarked, which is contrary to the information we were given when he was identified as a threat."

"I see," Heidenreich mused. "And where is Malfoy now?"

Harry never blinked. "I imagine the botched attempt on his life sent him into hiding somewhere."

"Ah, yes. The Bainbridge debacle," said Heidenreich. "What do you know of it?"

"Not much," Harry admitted, "although I believe it would be worth our while to follow up on that angle. I think Bainbridge is the key to helping the DMLE find out who's been killing off former Death Eaters."

"The regular Aurors are working on that," Heidenreich responded. "However, I may assign you to work with them on it, seeing as how you were the one who eliminated Bainbridge."

Harry detected neither censure nor praise in Heidenreich's tone. "I am agreeable to that," he said.

Heidenreich nodded. "I'll send word to Shacklebolt."


"I don't know about you, mate, but I'm really looking forward to this."

Harry grinned at Ron as they left Shacklebolt's office. "I'm looking forward to it, as well," he said. He missed seeing his friend regularly. They used to lunch together often when Harry had worked in the Auror department.

"Do you reckon Bainbridge was acting alone?" asked Ron.

Harry shook his head. "I wager he was a hired assassin and that someone else was pulling the strings."

Ron sighed. "If nothing else, at least we have another lead. Our investigation into this case had stalled in recent weeks." He clapped Harry on the shoulder. "Let's grab an early lunch, and we can compare notes," he suggested, guiding Harry to the lifts. "After that, you can tell me what you've done with Malfoy."


Targeted 10

content: drama, verse: targeted, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), rating: r, content: wanking

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