AWDT Quickies #21; DH100 Christmas Challenge #21

Dec 21, 2009 20:00

Title: One Goose A'Roasting Goose arc
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 185
Written for the following:
awdt Christmas Quickies #21 - Christmas goose
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2009 - chestnuts
Summary: Draco can't wait to eat goose for Christmas dinner.
Author's note: This is set in the verse of my Goose arc, but can be read alone. To sum up, Draco seemed to be thwarted by geese whenever he tried to court Harry, and he's still bitter about it.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.

Although this was Draco and Harry's second Christmas together, it was their first since Harry had moved into Draco's London townhouse.

When Draco went to Malfoy Manor to visit his parents, Harry offered to cook dinner while his boyfriend was away. By the time Draco returned, the house was filled with the delicious scents of dinner. He detoured through the dining room and helped himself to some of the roasted chestnuts and canapés that Harry had already placed on the table.

"Draco?" Harry called from the kitchen.

"I'm here," Draco said as he strolled in. "I just got home." He greeted his boyfriend with a snog before bending to peer in the oven. "Harry, is that...?"

"Yes, love," Harry replied. "It's roast goose--your favorite."

Draco rubbed his hands together in malicious glee. "I can't wait to dispatch another of those avian menaces," he smirked.

"Lucky for you your nemesis is delicious," Harry teased him. "I can't imagine a crow would be as tasty."

Draco turned his nose up and scoffed, "Malfoys don't eat crow."

verse: goose arc, rating: pg, content: established relationship, challenge: awdt quickies, challenge: dh100 special challenge, content: xmas

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