Jan 22, 2005 13:11
I had a very inspirational night/morning...from like 1 - whenever titanic ended..I watched it last night and it was probably the greatest thing ever. I dont know..I just realized that things are going to be good during life, but those good things may very well turn bad and you have no way to stop that..your best bet is just to enjoy everything that is important to you now, and dont worry about the "what if's". cause those what if's may happen, but they might not. but even when things do go bad, you will always have yourself to bring just enough strength to put one more little smile on your face. Love is a powerful feeling and it does the wierdest things to people. sometimes its the greatest feeling, sometimes it hurts, and sometimes it doesnt hurt or feel good, just confuses you. I believe that once you love someone, you really will have that in your memory forever, until the day you stop living. I have the most amazing dreams, the most amazing future ahead of me. I would feel the same if something happened and I ended up poor, and homeless. these past couple years I have found happiness through greater things than having a big house, having new clothes to put on my back everyday. there are things that you can find to smile about everywhere out in that world. I dont know, i guess I feel guilty that i have it so good right now. very grateful, but guilty to know that there are so many people oher than I that suffer, and suffer and suffer. yeah i kind of got off the subject that i started on..woops, and I dont remember what I origanlly had going..ummm..yeah the snow is coming and its sad, cause ill be stuck home all day and night...my parents said that if Ari comes over, that she can stay here all night if she needs to, but I havent talked to the little Munz yet...later aligators