Public Post: To All New Readers of The Thompson:

Feb 01, 2007 18:50

My journal is mostly Friends Locked.
If you want to be my friend on LJ, please join LJ, so you can post replies or comments on my posts.
I usually only friend back people that I have met in person, or friends of friends. Abject strangers, please,
I've got a conglomeration of over 200 people I keep track of on a daily basis, it's hard! So, I may not add you back,
if you just stumble upon my journal randomly.

To those I do add back as friends:
You may learn things here that would hurt me in the work environment.
Please keep these things to yourself or email me at gmail and let me know your concerns.

This is a personal Blog about me. I tend not to talk about work, nor mention my company by name
or any co-worker by name in this blog. Plausible Deniability. I don't claim to know everything about
my employer, and hope that they don't know everything about me. I like to keep a happy medium.

I have a few friends from work , who outside of work do know about me, more intimately.
I value those people who are more functional than just decorative. I like keeping smart and creative people
in my circle of friends. I value honesty, but do admit that I'm not the most honest person in the world,
honesty can get you into trouble sometimes.

In summary: Meet me, or be a friend of a friend, join livejournal, friend me, and I may just friend you back.
I have a lot of friends only entries.

You can email me at if you have any questions. All decisions are at my own
discretion, patents pending.

(Oh, and hi to C., if you happen by :)
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