Just thought I'd let you all know that I've had to change the security of my previous journal posts to friends only. I've recently taken on another role in the Scouts and I'd rather that my personal LJ was not stumbled upon by some crazy teenager (no offense if you are indeed a teenager on my friends list!). It has a number of implications that I don't really want to go into here. I'm sure I wouldn't have to worry about it but better safe than sorry.
I'm sure those of you who know me quite well will understand this is a pretty drastic change as I normally prefer to post all of my opinions in the public domain. Everything else remains unchanged, so yey!
So, if you'd like to read my journal simply add me to your friends list and I'll likely add you back. If you comment here that would be nice too :] For now I will leave you with this highly special image - be nice or I'LL PADDLE YO ASS!