when they made these clothes they ran out of fabric after the shoes long long long, the rest is short short short the ends are too tall the toes are too closed but resistance is met with inability to remove any of it too much skin in the wrong places
A moment recalled. Bitten apples lose their color and luster in the light but she'll keep the instigator of prefrontal cortex activity. St. Gabriel needs a medal for bring the treasure home.
Time to go outside before the pointy parts deflate the pillow fort.
[ OOC: Qĭ got a memory crystal! I posted it last night but I'm saying she got the memory this morning. As a punishment, she is stuck in this
official jailbait uniform for 5 days. She's not being very clear on the contents of her memory because she pretty sure telling people she can shoot without having her eyes open won't go over particularly well. ]