Last night:
The Captain: Kitty love mommy! *meer purr headbutt book out of hands purr knead*
Me: *sigh* yes, mommy loves kitty *pet pet stop get headbutted pet more*
The Captain :Ok, done now! *prowl prowl meer wander* All's well on the Western front!
Me: *tries to fall asleep while bracing for impact of cat on bladder*
The Captain: *memory span /goldfish/* Kitty love mommy! *step on bladder purr meer headbutt knead step on bladder curl up at foot of bed*
Me: Oof! Dammit, Captain! I wonder what that noise in the bathroom was.. *snore*
The Captain: *investigate!*
This morning:
Me: *stretch yawn shower yawn contact lenses search for clean socks*
The Captain: Mommy, look what I did! *paws at something*
The Cockroach at the foot of the bed: *teh ded*
Me: MOMMY LOVE KITTY MORE THAN JESUS!! *pet pet treat forgiveness for bladder stepping*
N.B.: All credit for the term *meer* goes, of course, to the beautiful