May 16, 2005 13:05
So yeah, I have an odd thing to complain about. I got accepted as a staff member for a U.N. sponsered MUN competition in L.A.. But I cannot go. Because I am already doing this LSAC sponsered summer law program. The upshot of this is that I am now being accepted to things - and this is a pleasant change from the previous state of affairs. I have so much to do! I have been sort of freaking out about a repeat of the extreme disaster of my undergraduate applications, but I feel a lot better now. GPA is kicking ass, LSAT scores are awesome (here's hoping they are that good on the official test).
The only quasi-damper on this is Don. And here's why:
I love Don. There is no bull shit with us, there is nothing weird. It is all wonderful and I feel really secure in this feeling and we are getting married in December, which I wouldn't do if I wasn't sure, absolutely sure, this is what I wanted. And its so different from all those casual talks about it. I cannot explain that (I never brought it up in relationships, I always seem to date guys who want to get married- or talk about it, so I kick the idea around to others secretly trying to drum up enthusiasm in myself). But my friends know, and so does his family. Its not official yet - (wicked awkward) but it will be soon enough. The problem is that he is in the Navy and is not going to be stationed near by the law school I want to go to, if that law school is not William and Mary or UVA. We have been talking about going to Italy for 2 years and then going to law school afterward. In the mean time, I could work on a masters or something. But then after, I could go to law school wherever I wanted because we'd only be living apart for a little while. Personally, I wouldn't mind living apart for awhile if it meant going somewhere fabulous for law school - but we'll see. I know Don wouldn't like it.
I have to remind myself to still work really hard in school and walk away with the highest GPA I can, and the best LSAT score.
Despite above sucesses, my house is still a mess, I am still almost always broke, and I cannot organize myself to save my life. Ahhhh well.
This reminds me that I need to begin the purges. If Don and I are going to be moving in together/ married I need to limit the amount of junk I have accumulated and somehow get that which I am going to save into a reasonably small space or something. I don't know. Blah.
And goddamn classes being out Dec 16th!!!!!