This evening, I lay on the couch, finishing my sick day. I had set Grindhouse to record a few nights ago. Since I was immobilized, tonight was as good of night as any to watch it.
I skipped Planet Terror, watching only the trailers and Death Proof. I know Death Proof is pretty much panned by everyone, but I love it. Perhaps it's my childhood fixation with the movie "The Vanishing Point."
The credits rolled, then I saw it... on every stinger kick of the song, they show a "China Girl". I previously talked about my fixation with "China Girls"
last December.
One of the China Girls is reversed. Since I have the technology, I set my phone to take a negative picture, and watched it again on my camera screen.
It was striking, so I grabbed some video of it, so that I could share. Where was this footage taken? How old is it?!
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