May 07, 2008 10:59
I finally broke down and purchased a name change token to update this journal. I've never used all the features that a paid account comes with, and I refused to have ads on the "plus" account, so, LJ weasled 15 bucks out of me. Only once though! *shakes fist*
I've been working on a mini Akhu shrine, 'cause space is limited in our new place (went from a 3 bedroom apartment to a room in someone else's house temporarily) and I've had my beloveds (mainly Sekhmet-Hethert) breathing down my neck to get one set up to honor them. I've almost completed painting the main shrine, and once that's done I'll figure out where it's going to be nailed up at with some shelving I picked up at Target. Then, it's off to Cost Plus for small shrine bowls and such. Just gotta find the time *sigh*