Mar 22, 2008 22:38
After speding most of the day stressing out, and a very powerful and emotional Akhu divination, I now know my spiritual parent as well as my surprising beloveds!
I am a daughter of Bast (so much relief!), and beloved of Wepwawet-Yinepu, Djehuty and Sekhmet-Hethert. Djehuty is not surprising (mmm yummy books and knowledge), and I was expecting Hethert to show up somewheres...However, I didn't know it was gonna be Her Sekhmet manifestation! Color me surprised! Also, I did not expect Wepwawet-Yinepu at all. I have much to learn about that Name. Yay much kitties (hell, animals in general) in my lineup! X3
I am going ahead with Shemsuhood as well. I feel very confident in my decision. I'll be named on wednesday!
*big happy kitty grin* Mom kept telling me She would be there, and not to worry. I'm so, so happy I wasn't just making things up in my head. :3
*runs off to celebrate some more*