Well what a great day to me...ye well since everyone and their brother all of a sudden reads my journal and has a problem with my opinion I am making this a friends only journal now... so comment if you want to be added everyone else.... too bad..
BUT for the record why does everyone all of a sudden care about my opinion on things...yea i said i wasnt so pleased with the slideshow okay..yea and why did i say that becausue i i did put in pictures of lots of different people and 2 got in in that 45 minute show...okay so it is public access my bad i wasnt aware i meant so much to everyone what I thought of it...I find it really funny that almost everyone on my friends list put the same stuff if not worse yet im the one thats gets exploited...there 6 days left here people why do you even care??? ....
also I find it hillarious to these annonymus posters that are saying that i am a follower and only care about "social status" do you even know me at all?? I have NEVER cared about, I have had so many people ditch me out over the years for not being cool enough...why would I ever be like that??? all of my friends are so unique and diverse I have different groups and I am so thankful for that...I never asked anyone to ever nominate me for CG i have never really cared about that stuff too much. sure every girl secretly hopes for it..but this year i didnt care..you know im not even going to continue because its just not worth it..I am sickened that people would put me down to this level again I know i am not the only one that feels the way i do I just dont know why you people care ....well thats my final word im out ....