So Im trying to brainstorm a speech for baccelaurate....but im lost for words at the moment...
had a day off school for Education Day which was actually pretty fun....tomorrow I cant go to Warrendale... :( Senior Mag comes first and yea its not i think ill fall way too behind....
I cant beieve people can twist things so crazy just to
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x What did you think of me when you first saw me? "god, i wish"
x Have you ever seen me cry? oh yes, plenty of times and ive only known you for under a year! lol
x Have you ever liked me as more than a friend? me? never...ok just you know that one
x Describe me in four adjectives. honest, faithful, beautiful, amazing
x Would you hug me? i love hugging you
x What do you really think of me? youre definitely the most amazing girl out there and well, theres more but its all good dont worry about that.
x Whats my full name? Shannon ? Truesdale
x Has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to? plenty of times. im still afraid
x Are we friends? if we're not i just got really depressed. but i think so
x Name one thing you dont like about me. ill tell you when i can think of one. until then, there isnt one.
x Do you love me? thats something ive been afraid to tell you.
x What color are my eyes? brown, like, the PERFECT brown
x What do you think about my personality? i love it lol, youre so cool. i like how you spaz and are religious and its all just so unique.
x Do you find me attractive? just a lot. actually, attractive is an understatement.
x If you didn't know me what would you think I'd be like? if i didnt know you, id think you would be full of yourself because most of the beautiful girls in school are.
x Whens my birthday? October 15
x Is there anything youd like to thank me for? everything. you spending time with me, being my valentine, looking at me for me and letting me get to know you, and anything i left out.
x Why'd you do this survey? cause i feel like its a subtle way to get some of my feelings out and not feel completely retarded about it. also i am bored and youre not on AIM.
x Remind me of one of our BEST memories? valentine's day. definitely, that or max's party. thats one of MY best memories cause its the first time i caught your eyes and i was in heaven since then.
i did yours, you do mine now. lol
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