Mar 06, 2006 07:50
It's Monday ... my day off!! YAY! I've got a bunch of errands to run before I go and pick up some food so I can have lunch with my baby and meet all his coworkers.
Sad thing ... I haven't even started to get ready yet. I couldn't wake up this morning for ANYTHING! It was crazy. I'm always like that when I get a lot of sleep though.
My dad had to go to the dealership to get his new car fixed. There's something wrong with the gas something or other. I don't know.
Eli and I are doing well. He's being absolutely amazing ... very supportive. He even came to school and let me cut his hair (Mrs. Kathi did most of it, but I helped on some parts). She said it'd take me awhile to get used to doing guys hair because it's a lot of different angles and whatnot than what I'm used to. So yes. The clippers scare me though. I could do some major damage with those bad boys! He loves me for who I am. It's a great feeling to love someone that loves me back (finally).
School is going well. I made my first tips Saturday at the birthday party ... but we turned our tips in. I was happy. And that thing at the mall was excellent (to spite some blisters that I aquired on my feet). We made almost $300!! I'm excited to learn what's schedualed for tomorrow.
Well kids I think that's about it. I have to go get ready.
I love you, Eli!!