(no subject)

Dec 27, 2005 05:40

Name: Christina Rose Hagel

What does it mean: Christ-like

Weirdest Nickname(s): Stoner ba Boner (Krista) or Huffy Puffy the Dragon (Eli)

Age: 19 ... almost 20

D.O.B.: December 31, 1985

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: St. John Hospital in Detroit, Michigan

Current residence: Casco Twp., Michigan

What character from TV/Movies is most like you: I don't know.

What TV show describes your life: I really don't know

What word would you use to describe yourself: Passionate ... Whether it's in my beliefs, actions, feelings, etc ... anything I do I have a certain amount of passion for

When you were little what did you want to be? A doctor

What 3 c.d.'s would you want if you were stuck on a deserted island? I would burn 3 of them ... one love, one rap, and one country

What would you do if you ruled the world? Change a lot of things

What's your biggest pet peeve? Ignorance and people being inconsiderate

If you were a super hero, who would you be? Hum ... Someone that can control others thoughts

What do you secretly love reading? It's not a secret

What person, living or dead have you always wanted to meet? My grandfathers

What qualities do you look for in a guy/girl? Respectful, loyal, motivated, protective, supportive, caring, someone that would make a good father to our kids, looks (sorry ... can't lie and say that they don't matter at all), trusting, and someone that will let me help and love him as much as he helps and loves me

You're allowed one super power, what is it? telepathy

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza ... because there's a lot of different ways to make it AND it has a few of the food groups built right in.

What's your favourite beauty product or bathroom product? I like the Garnier soft curl gel that I put in my hair. It smells awesome and makes my hair look semi-decent

If you could be another person for a week, who would it be? Anna Kornicova (sp)

What word do you use too much? I swear too much

Who's your role model? My grandma, even though she's dead.

What's your most annoying habit? Being insecure

Happiness is: Hard to find, but once you find it, you should never let it go.

Who's music puts you in the mood? Hum ... probably some rap song singin about "it".

Sexy is: Being comfortable with who you are

Three interesting things you have in the fridge: Nothing really interesting ... leftovers from Christmas dinner, butter, milk ... stuff like that

What's the cheesiest thing you secretly love? I love happy crying because Eli says sweet things ... It just works for me.

If you could be one appliance, what would it be? An oven.

Finish these sentences:

I've always wondered why: People are ignorant

If I were principal for a day: I'd observe and probably never want to be principal again

When I want to laugh I: laugh ... no sense in hiding it.

The craziest thing I ever did for love was: Get engaged after 10 days of dating ... but it was a good crazy

The last thing I think about at night: Eli

I'd just die if they cancelled: Jerry Springer

What would you do if...

You caught your boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on you? Depends on the circumstances I suppose

You landed the starring role in a movie opposite your favourite actor/actress...but you had to do a nude scene? hell yes

A genie offered you 3 wishes? What do you wish for?

1) Good health for my family and friends

2) Money

3) A family
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