I've concluded my "reaction" to sinus infections of any kind is the same: watery eyes; uberly runny nose and heavy cough; last, but not least, the stupid feeling like utter shit. BLEH.
I'm on
akonite's old computer which now belongs to me. [grins] I have a PC, yay. [grins] Though it's WIn 2000 Pro, but that's okay. I'll live. I'm gonna try copying everything to CD and then wipe it. I have a CD for Win XP Pro. It should work as soon as I remember how to wipe or at least reformat it. No worries though. It'll be a while before that.
[sighs heavily] I feel like shit.
I've also keep getting these ittle bittle little irritation spots mainly, from what I can tell, due to sweat and rubbing b/c they're mainly around my hips and inner thigh. I do have one on the inside of my left forearm which appears to be going away. Though the circular thing that I thought was staph and might still be staph or just something else, not sure, is still there too. :-P I'll make a dermatologist appointment today too.
I think I'll go back to sleep or something.
Oh yes, for those who need to contact me either call my house or email me or well, leave a message on AIM or Yahoo. I'll have it up and running for the time being. [hugs]
Bye, y'all.
PS: I'll update you on my weekend later. SOLAR was soo much fun. [grins] It was a great battle. [grins]