All right, so near as I can figure, this is some sort of test--which is fine by me! Heh. The brass think they can weird me out? They don't know who they're dealing with--Patrick goddamn Colasour, that's who!
I'm better at multiple choice, but no test has ever gotten the better of me before!
So, what I've managed to figure out--I'm in this city, this
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There are some stores around the lower level to eat...a cafe, a bakery, a restaurant...
...I half wonder why I'm helping you. I suppose that in this world, we're not on opposite sides...
[[ooc: strikes private to self//unhackable]]
--stay calm, Patrick, you can do this, you've made it through worse!--
All right. So. Where's the nearest place to get a job, eh? You seem the sanest I've met--any MS work to be done? I'm sure they could use an ace like me!
There's nothing really for a MS pilot to do specifically, since there are no mobile suits here.
Did you just say "Monster Control"?
And what do you mean 'no mobile suits'?! What the hell sort of backwater doesn't have mobile suits? Not even an Anf?! What, are you gonna tell me that everybody here uses gas-powered lamps, programs computers with punch cards, and drives horse-and-buggies?!
And on that note, you should have already noticed the lack of electricity here on the lower level. Well, aside from a few businesses and these terminals. This place's technology is much different from ours in some ways, and extremely outdated in most ways.
How the hell do you people live in this place?
Grr... whatever. Just tell me where to get a gun and where I can get some food.
...ah, well...this isn't going to help your "everyone is crazy" thought, but, ask the gods. There are two gods in this world, Medea and Asclepius...I think, I could be spelling the last one wrong. They'll usually give you a weapon to defend yourself.
I mentioned a few places before where you could eat. If you explain that you're new here, they might give you some food for free.
...sure, whatever you say.
So, uh... how do I get to these food places? I'm starving.
Too nice for my own good sometimes.
Where are you now? I can try finding you and giving you some kind of quick tour around the place so that you don't get lost.
How the hell should I know?
Does that count?
Go there. I'll meet you there.
Try not to get eaten by anything.
---eaten? Did you say eaten?
What, like by a bear?
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