So how's this for an awesome idea:
Tha Fandom Free For All where you basically ask for stuff and give it in return :D Like the Christmas wish lists in a way!
Umm today was my official first day of school (No classes Mon! \0/) And it SUCKED. Like major. This is gonna be an exhausting semester! That means a step away from fandom meaning hiatus. I don't know when that'll start but soon. I'm already going to start skimming, meaning less comments and posts.
You're probably like YES about those posts huh?
Ok off to bed. Seriously, this icon makes me all kinds of happy. (PS can anyone make my mood into an icon? it's cute!)
OO also found another awesome j2 icon somewhere, i forgot, need to get that uploaded soon. It's awesome and will use on next post haha, just to show you :D Though that does mean deleting icons :(