This is a special post dedicated to Jared Padalecki aka the life ruiner for one diner (and half of a life ruiner for me. The other half (JENSEN) might be done some other day haha)
We love his "I was skinny and tall and lanky before I worked out all day" pictures.
We love his dorky poses/faces.
We love how freakin' TALL he is.
We love his scruff.
We love his hair.
We love him as Sam Winchester ♥
We love his 'hand of Ipecac' aka the Sam 'I'll kill you with my mind. And hand'
We love him with Jensen ♥
We love HIM.
His dimples. His moles. His humor. His acting. His love for his puppies. His love for all things sugar related. His love for Jensen ;). His fashion sense. His EVERYTHING.
The Vid from Japan S4 promo where that gif with them aiming at each others crotches is from. hahahha <3