Love Meme Post the Sixteenth aka The Last Post ♥
truelyesoteric: Sweetie you're one of the best writers I know, seriously. You can make me grin stupidly or cry and bawl like a baby in a span of a few words. You're also super sweet and wonderful, basically an awesome package ♥
vanae: I am so privileged to have such a sweet and amazing person like you on my flist. You're an absolute sweetheart filled with so much love for your friends and I adore that about you ♥
vanee: I know that you've discovered a brand new fandom, but I love the fact that we're still friends through it all. You're such an awesome fangirl, filled with squee and excitement, and an awesome friend too ♥
wanttobeatree: We're still very new friends but I can't wait to get to know you more! You seem like such an amazing person from what I've seen and I love that you can make me laugh. I also adore the arts that I have seen from you ♥
waterofthemoon: S! You're such an awesome person sweetheart, and I love knowing you're on my flist. I go to you for things newsletter related ;) I wished we talked a little more but I love hearing about your life and I adore your fics! ♥
wendy: Wendy! You're so so so amazing darlin' and I hope you know how much I freakin' adore you! You are one of the people that's always optimistic, bright and bubbly and I love that you can make me smile with one of your posts when I feel like I can't anymore. I love your absolute adoration for your family, your friends, Jared (and Sam) and Show, and everyone else! ♥
winterweathered: Cam! You're so amazing honey, and I'm so lucky to have you on my flist. There are so many things I love about you and to name a few: your desire to be nobody but yourself and refusing to apologize for it, your epic talent in fics, your writing (for work and for fandom), and your love for your family and friends. ♥
woodstarling: JOOLZ! You are such an amazing part of my flist! You ALWAYS make me laugh, from your tweets to your posts to everything else. I love that you brighten up my day! I love your talent and creativity. I love how you never forget who you are and are completely honest with yourself. I love that you're beautiful-inside and out ♥
wordsindreams: A! You're such an awesome person honey! You are filled with squee and enthusiasm, I love it! You always make me smile with your posts and your gifs never fail to make me giggle like a little girl ♥
xo_disaster_ox: Rabi! Hon, I'm so lucky to have someone as sweet and awesome as you in my life! You always make me smile and I want to hug you to protect you from the world all the time! I'm super stoked that I can consider you a friend ♥
yodels: I'm so thankful that we're still friends even though we're not in the same fandom anymore. I love that you are one of the sweetest people I know, even now! I love how random you are, how unique you are, and how wonderful you are ♥