ship me meme Love Meme Post # 5
clubinthesky: Adri you are one of my fave people on LJ ever. You are so damn awesome babe! And I miss you SO SO much!!! I miss our long talks about nothing and everything because you always managed to make me smile when I needed it. You're sweet, so damn talented it drives me crazy, amazing, a sweetheart, funny, adorable, hilarious, and made of so much love ♥
cologne_chick: Hon, I'm so glad we're friends, for many reasons! I love your daily posts with pictures, your love for the boys and Show, your adoration for Germany, your squee and excitement about things, and how much of a good friend you are ♥
colorofloveis: Sweetie, you've been going through some rough times and I wish I could make all of it disappear so you wouldn't be sad! You're beautiful - inside and out. You write some amazing things. You're sweet, kind, talented, lovely, and honest. I love that about you ♥
cookiemonsta: We're slowly getting to know each other but I'm def. enjoying every minute of it! You always make me smile. Your love for the boys is genuine and awesome. Your manips are lovely. Your fics are wonderful. And you seem like such an amazing person ♥
countess7: You and me are slowly getting to know each other as well and I'm loving that! You make some awesome recs, podfic some of my fave fics, have an awesome personality, make me laugh, seem so nice and kind, and I just know that we're going to be great friends! ♥
crackedbuthappy: Oh Lexi, what can I say? You're so damn awesome darlin', you don't even know. I absolutely adore you! You are sweet, funny, kind, hilarious, so epically talented (I LOVE your fics!!!), amazing, wonderful, and other generally awesome words haha. ♥
dea_liberty: Dea, you too are also going through some rough times and I wish I could help! I want you to know that you are AMAZING okay? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You're a total sweetheart, one of fandom's assets, a lovely person, and a kick a$$ reccer ;) ♥
deanscookie: You are so awesome hon! You're adorable, your icons make me spaz and flail, you make me laugh hilariously, and your squee, exuberance, and genuine happiness over things makes ME the same way! I love that about you ♥
deirdre_c: Dei, you are one of the sweetest and most awesome people I have the pleasure of knowing. You are loyal to a fault, funny, adorable, talented (your vids and fic are AMAZING), sweet, kind, lovely, and so much more! I'm so lucky to have you in my life honey ♥
destina: You, honey, are AWESOME. I'm still so surprised that you friended me back sometimes because I don't think myself worthy (weird and creepy I know lol). You write some of the most epically awesome fic I've read, you make these awesome posts about Show, your RL stuff always make me smile and feel like I can relate a little more, and your recs make me excited! ♥
dev_earl: Dev, I think you know how much I freakin' LOVE you. I could write odes about your writing (I think I did actually! haha)! You are amazingly sweet, adorable, beautiful, awesome, gorgeous, your icons make me glee, and you as a person are one of my favorite people ever. You make me smile when I thought I couldn't and you always know how to make me feel better. You spoil me and I love that haha. And our convos are much cherished honey ♥