HIMYM. The Proposal. LINDSAY.

Jun 22, 2009 01:31

Just finished S3 of HIMYM and STILL LOVE IT! I swear, Barney killed me in the last couple eps. I can't believe Ted said they couldn't be friends! And he's in love with Robin?! OH BARNEY <3333 I LIKE Stella! But Ted, she's probably gonna say no :(

I watched 'The Proposal' tonight and there should DEF. be a J2 AU of it! coughRONAcough. matalinolukaret urges someone to write it or encourage her!! DO IT PEOPLE. I need this fic like burning. It was cute and adorable and filled with all sorts of epic win! And I MAY have a crush on Ryan Reynolds now. I wasn't ever his biggest fan because of Van Wilder, but just like Kal Penn made me adore him in House, Ryan made me adore him in this :D

dev_earl is AMAZING and made me some gorgeous headers. BE JEALOUS. ;) thanks again baby ♥

and now, to the awesome keepaofthecheez

Lindsay, I hope you know how amazing you really are. You're a wonderful mother, an amazing wife, an awesome friend, and a spectacular fangirl.

You make me like things I probably wouldn't have, or even known about (coughKRADAMcough), and you are always willing to provide anything we need (coughPORNcough).

You go to great lengths for you friends, and I really love that about you. You crack me up all the time, and you make me smile :)

Lindsay, I'm truly thankful to have you in my life. Thanks for everything babe.

i♥u Lindsay

rona is teh awesome, wanted:fic, enabling is fun!, meme: flist lovin', tv show:how i met your mother, movies are fun!

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