Jan 05, 2009 00:06

A meme! Tagged by dev_earl
List sixteen random things about yourself, then tag sixteen people to do the same. Do if you want!

1. I hate leaving my hair down. It tickles my neck and annoys me to no end!
2. I have to clean up my teacher's area, or my school stuff. But at home, I am very messy. hahah I just get lazy and wait until I have a day to clean *shrugs*
3. I always write fic beginning to end, I can't do the little pieces.
4. I blush easily and am usually faintly red a lot of the time.
5. Make up annoys me because I'm lazy. But I do like looking pretty.
6. Shoes and purses are an obsession of mine.
7. I've never kissed a guy. (And write about it all the time *headdesk*)
8. Most of the guys I like, I usually meet online in some way. Don't ask. My sister is the same, the idiot.
9. I like nerds. LOL
10. I love my lips and sometimes my eyes, depending on the light.
11. I can't stand my hair. It's frizzy and thick and not fun to deal with haha
12. I love strawberries, oranges, and mango
13. My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough!
14. I'm very shy, I hate being the first to talk to someone, except in certain situations
15. I can't stop laughing sometimes. Like I laugh and laugh and laugh. It takes a while. But it happens VERY rarely and usually with stupid stuff that's not even that funny haha
16. I am a people pleaser. I bend over backwards, get my heart broken, get walked all over and do it again and again. That's how my family, pretty much, is hard wired. It SUCKS

So I saw two Bollywood moves a few days ago. Ghajini and Rab Ne Bana Di Jori. Ghajini was absolutely phenomenal. So heart wrenching and I cried so damn much. I wouldn't be able to watch it again, but it's definitely worth watching. I've always respected Aamir Khan and love him even more now! Rab Ne was cute, it was a schmoopy movie and I want J2 fic of it now :) But it was also kinda dumb. hahah I'm not the biggest fan of Shahrukh as is so ehh... The songs of both movies are amazing and under the cut are 2 songs and vids from Ghajini. Admire the awesomness that is Aamir Khan.

image Click to view

Download Song?

image Click to view

Download Song?
(I like him in the pink with the silver vest the most.)



On a happier note, JANUARY IS OFFICIALLY J-SQUANUARY! Mark your calendars, peeps. as stolen from memphis86 So true *nods* This makes me EXCITED!

you guys post like CRAZY btw. *sighs* gone for 2 days and skip=800 rarely commented, but will catch up soon!

How excited am I by all these fics that are gonna be here soon!? *grabby hands* There's disney!j2, Big Bang, romcom!j2 and the finishing of xmas fics :D

Sorry about the long post haha. Also, no rec post today. I'm nowhere near caught up. *sighs* Someday in the near future hopefully!

meme: about me, bzuh?, movies are fun!, seriously?!, bollywood, la musica, celebrities, wank, grrrr

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