oh man, week ending quite nicely..
ted leo was amazing!! we had soo much fun! skipped literary traditions to do photo, digital crit. went great! and i finished my prints!! yes! however, i would like to print one in 16x20 buuut.. the funds are simply not available. oh yeah, refund check! yesss!!! mooonnneeeyyy!! ok, i missed degrassi, but its on again at midnight. OBVIOUSLY i have to stay up and watch it even though i have only had 5 hours of sleep this week. gah..
watch out matt connors.. you've got some competition!
oh how i love these boys..
ps. dear fish: my roommate said she saw you today says, "please don't judge me for not waving back, i didn't realize it was you!" however... i would have waved, pffttt..