Old Orchard Dragon:
Pretty Snow:
And, of course, some trippy-ness:
Lillian, look! I made hearts! I think the trick is to try to make a V:
Green Means Go:
I haven't written anything about Miami yet. So, here's a quick summary of what happened:
Monday- Sat around not knowing anyone. Then had inedible dinner.
Tuesday- Filmed Good Will Hunting scene. Voice and Jazz showcase.
Wednesday- Filmed When Harry Met Sally scene. Writing and Theatre showcase.
Thursday- Edited. Video and Dance showcase.
Friday- Short interview with Panel. Sat around and was bored. Talked to the Miami Film Festival lady. Visual arts and Photography exhibit.
Saturday- Classical music showcase. Gala.
Sunday- Had almost no sleep and a really early flight.
little_dormy wrote some interesting stuff about Miami that's more detailed than what I wrote,
In other news, I was in Dance Day on Friday. We've been working on this dance in dance class for all of second quarter, but it wasn't finished until the week I was gone.
The biggest problem with preforming the dance was that the stage was a lot bigger than our practice space, so getting across the stage toook a lot longer.
lemon_vampire said "Your dance sucked, but you were awesome!" (...typical of her)