In The Life of a Bum, published in 1990, the Charles Bukowski character Harry pushed his friend Monk in front of a bus, and then stole Monk's wallet while Monk lay unconscious and probably dying in the street.
The earliest known usage of the phrase as an idiom was 21 June 1982, when Julian Critchley of The Times wrote "President Galtieri had pushed her under the bus which the gossips had said was the only means of her removal".
This idiom is very popular nowadays when Trump's Impeachment hearings are being held at the House of Representatives.The phrase is used in two variants:
1. Throw oneself under a bus - принести себя в жертву.
2. Throw somebody under a bus - предать друга, кинуть, выставить виновным и т. п.
Here are some examples taken from news reports:
- Ambassador Sondland Throws Trump Under a Bus.
- Rudy Giuliani says he has 'health insurance' if Trump tries to throw him under the bus in the impeachment process.
Also, in jokes:
- Scientists make huge leap in quantum theory experiments after discovering that Rudy Giuliani can be under two buses at the same time.