If Today Was Your Last Day

Apr 07, 2010 19:38

Listening to Nickelback's If Today was Your Last Day, I still remember I had a secret fear in secondary 4, that I would never see myself enter JC. It sounds stupid, but I really believed it. I could always see myself enter the next stage in my life, could always somehow picture it. Yet I never could picture how life would be like in JC. So I assumed that I'd die before then. And I lived life normally.

Now I think, if today was my last day, things would be different. If I really believed that I was going to die, I wouldn't do what I did before. But living each day like it was my last is unrealistic. For one, I'd never study. But it suddenly came to mind what I WOULD do differently if I lived like each day was my last.

If today was really my last day, I would pray; listen more and talk less. I would spend more time talking to the one who I was going to meet, yet I have already met. I would spend time with family and friends, and tell my friends about Christ. Just one more time so that maybe, just maybe, I could see them again (because friends are friends forever if the Lord's the Lord of them). I would make things right with the people I knew, and tell my family and friends I love them (though I'm pretty sure they know). I would read my bible more, like reading a letter of someone I'd been longing to meet and I'm finally getting the chance to, then I'd give it away to one of my best friends, because they'd need it too. I would say what I was dying to say, because I wouldn't have much more to lose, and I'd live that last day honestly and unafraid.

If only I had the courage to live that way every day, the patience to try and to not give in. Because I probably won't know when my last day will be. And I'm going to start now.

Expect a bible soon (:



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