A month ago I put some Vintage Shoes on Ebay. Some dickhead bought the shoes..I waited 4 days and he didnt pay even though I sent him an invoice. So when I asked him about it he wrote back and said, "I'll pay,I'm just busy right now".
So a week goes by and still no pay, so i gave him 2 days and then said I was going to leave him negative feedback if he didn't pay. Another week goes by and finally I send him a final message, then wait a day, he doesn't respond, so i left bad feedback. THEN the dickhead responds and says,
No response from my e-mails,etc.Payment was sent.Negative feedback left .
Buyer hinton456( 181) Oct-25-06 12:50 280032682805
Reply by jennatude: WTF? Retaliatory Feedback from nonpaying bidder.Never Received emails from you. Oct-26-06 10:24
Fucking LIAR.
So now i don't have 100% on my ebay thing anymore because this guy doesn't want to pay for his tranny dressing shoes or whatever. Some other chick left bad feedback right above me...for nonpaying bidder on vintage shoes too. Great.
In other news, i've been sick since I got back from Oregon. Nice. Stuffy nose, the works.
I'm going to be an Old Lady for Halloween with Amanda. I guess Ari is having a party at her house on saturday, so i have somewhere to go. The Model T is up for sale on ebay, so check it out if you're bored.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280042173251&rd=1,1 I also am only getting 24 hours a week at work. Not good. I usually get 40 hours. that's almost half of what I'm used too. Gotta start selling things again.
2 weeks till I start school. I'm so bored, I can't wait.