'Wiggly worm' a royal wedding star

May 05, 2011 14:24

  A £1 'wiggly worm' toy which made an unplanned appearance in the official royal wedding photographs was bought by Prince Harry to keep the younger bridesmaids happy, the Duchess of Cornwall has revealed.

The bright pink toy is seen clutched in the hand of Camilla's granddaughter, three-year-old Eliza Lopes, in the photographs.

Camilla said: "That was the funniest thing. I can't believe no one has spotted it."

She said Eliza had appeared scared by the noise from the jubilant crowds during the carriage ride from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.

Prince Harry, travelling in the same carriage as Eliza, seven-year-old Lady Louise Windsor and eight-year-old page boy Tom Pettifer, had bought the toy in anticipation of Eliza's reaction and pulled it out of his pocket to keep her happy.

Speaking at an event for the Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust, in Calne, she told the Daily Mail: "I was so worried about Eliza. She is such a lovely little thing and looked so gorgeous in her dress but it was a very big occasion for a child of her age.

"Harry pulled this wiggly worm out of his pocket in the carriage to keep them amused. Eliza loved it so much that she wouldn't let go and it even made the official photographs.

"Can you believe it? She was holding onto my finger but in her other hand was this worm.

"I was so proud of her, she looked adorable in her dress and couldn't stop twirling around in it. It was such a lovely, lovely day.'"

The Duchess is a patron of the Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust, a charity that provides a home security service for elderly, vulnerable and disadvantaged people throughout Wiltshire.

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