Us girls were supposed to take studio pics today. Trisha went to work, so we had to cancel. We waited for her all day and she never called. Dork. I ended up taking Anna, and Jo to watch 2Fast. Not a great movie...but something to do nevertheless. Afterwards we decided to visit Jonah, and then we went to visit dette. awwww... how nice. Actually we were just bored. We're ALWAYS bored. Even this update is boring. I was trying to decide why it takes me forever to update my LJ. I think I know the reason now. It's because I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY!!! There is NOTHING to update you people on. My life is the same boring shit day after day. I'm so impatient.
This is at Trisha's 18th birthday party.
This is my famous "broken face smile". I look nuts. I remember when lani told me that her bro-in-law just thought I had a "unique smile". HAHAHAHA!! oh yea.. look at the dog too.
joan, dette, jeneane, may, trisha, and ME at grad. awww....
There are more pics, but I need to makes some boomspeed space. okie dokes?
good night kids. ~emz~