The final grad practice is tomorrow. Every part of me is dreading it. All the way down to my toe nails. I thought I'd be more excited for it. Can you believe I actually forgot that it was this friday. My mother had to remind me by dragging my sorry ass to the shoe store to buy the uniform "old lady pumps".
Maybe it's because I feel like I'm already finished with it all. I haven't had to deal with this shit in awhile and now I being forced back into it all. It's irritating because I know it's just me. It's all in my head. I don't want to do it because EVERYONE else wants me too. blah... Now I have to go to a practice I don't want to go to, listen to people I don't want to listen to, and do things I don't want to do. grrrrrr... I'm such a child.
I've been SO moody lately. These days it doesn't take much to frustrate me. I even irritate myself. I think it's because I am STUCK in this house DAY after DAY after DAY. My mom won't let me leave when I want to. Even if I could... there is no where to go, nothing to do, and no one to do nothing with. It sad. There's more to say but I am tired of venting now. goodbye.