Nov 15, 2004 15:05
well today in US history ms.cocco was giving an example of something and uses "nitendo declairs they are only going to hire midgets" then the class starts asking her questions about it, like
"whats the hight limit for the midgets?"-- "isnt that descrimination?"--"yea i think it is"--ms.cooc"its only an example"--"but willy wonka did it"--"i think it would be cool to be an ompalompa"
oh you gotta love ms.cooco and her complete cluelessness!! and next week there is only 2day of school, and shes ganna give us a test on monday, i dont know when ill have time to study this weekend bc of kinnus so i guess im ganna have to study this week and try to remember everything. Friday is also report card day!! im not that only worried about english, cuz edelmen is a tough ass when it comes to grading. okay i gotta get some homework done cuz i have my SAT tutor coming lata..buh byee and my tummy has been bothering me...yes i did use the word tummy!! just thought id share that little peice of info!