(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 13:12

Of course, I need to start on those projects I procrastinated on (like I always do!), but once Im' done with that then I'M RIGHT BACK TO THE DATING SIM *_*

Yeah, I'm continuing it. I just need to learn the actionscript for stats and how to make buttons forward to random/consecutive frames. AND THEN I need to learn how to make it so that after a certain number of skill points/affection you can unlock something. Oh and find a way to keep an inventory of items and gifts.

SO FAR I've learned how to make special effects, make a scene (lol)& maps, make a simple player score, make a preloader (more like copypaste)and a few others, but they're all basic stuff~

You're playing Kenny and for some reason Kyle's in Les Bos. I dunno, it made sense at the time xDDD

I want to upload it here earlier for you speshul peeps, but I can't find a website to upload my .swf on :(

ramblings, flash

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